Christmas Morning

I always remember being young and waking up at the crack of dawn to see if he’d been, checking my stocking to see if it was full of presents 🙂 You’re a bit young for that so we’re able to have a more relaxing morning with the presents underneath the tree. This year will probably be the last when we’re able to wait until after Christmas lunch to open them. We spent the morning preparing the food, chatting and playing in front of the TV, what more could we ask for?

Happy Sinterklaas

He arrived last week but tonight is when you officially get your presents. Come to think of it I believe you’re supposed to get a present each night. This isn’t too far off the truth as you got your new princess car and shopping cart over the last few days. We have a picture below of you and all your gifts, you did very well and we still have Christmas to come!

You love your little dolly the best, it says ‘Mama’ & ‘Papa’, cries and laughs when you squeeze its stomach. You were hugging her, kissing her on the head when we said ‘Kiss Kiss’ to you 🙂 You dropped her a few times on her head but we’ll ignore that 😀 She even has a little hat for you to keep taking off… along with your socks. The Lego wasn’t the biggest hit however I managed to make a few things before you destroyed them, a Giraffe and large tower.