Christmas Morning

I always remember being young and waking up at the crack of dawn to see if he’d been, checking my stocking to see if it was full of presents 🙂 You’re a bit young for that so we’re able to have a more relaxing morning with the presents underneath the tree. This year will probably be the last when we’re able to wait until after Christmas lunch to open them. We spent the morning preparing the food, chatting and playing in front of the TV, what more could we ask for?

Happy Birthday Mummy

We teamed up again this year to surprise Mummy with some gifts, I wrote the cards, got the flowers and you made her something special at creche, what a great team! I think we did a great job, she was thrilled with what you made her and she loved her flowers as usual. As Oma & Uncle George were here I bought a birthday cake to share, something special from Multivlaai. Next year you’ll be able to wish her ‘Happy Birthday’ verbally 😀 (something other than ‘da’ and ‘dis’), I’m sure I’ll have to help with the card but that’s ok, I enjoy doing it! 🙂

Such a Great Uncle!

You’ve been a busy girl lately with meeting more and more family members. Today was the turn of my God Father, you’re Great Uncle Mike! And no, he didn’t make you an offer you couldn’t refuse… Well, to be honest you slept for most of the visit!

We had a lovely time chatting about our experiences so far with you, he can’t wait to see you again soon! Preferably when you’re awake.

You’ll be able to wear this once it’s a little warmer here in NL, maybe those 4 days of summer we’ll get next year!