Teddy-Bear’s Picnic

If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today, you’d better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic

I’m not sure how Teddy got the booboo… I hope it wasn’t the spoon! 🙂

Corn On The Emily

You should always use the right tools for the job… and when it comes down to eating corn on the cob… a knife and fork aren’t the right ones. After a little while and with a little help from Mummy you learnt the best way to eat it. Unfortunately the best way is also the messiest!

Big Foot

Bigger feet = yet another pair of new shoes. Sometimes I think you’re stretching your feet so you get to wear a new pair of shoes, it feels like that anyway 🙂 With you being so mobile now it’s important you have a comfy pair and I think Mummy did a good job with these. You were extremely speedy when testing them out, so much so it was hard to get a good picture!

Skill Or Luck?

When I see you building towers and basically just plonking the bricks on the top with little thought I’m always amazed it stays standing. I also love how when it does finally topple over you laugh and just start again. Never give up!!!

Blind Leading The Blind

I sometimes find your decision making somewhat… questionable? If it makes you laugh and there’s an idiot with a camera encouraging you… it’s all fair game right? In this case you decided to see what would happen if you walked around a toy ridden room blind 🙂

Emily Has A New Guardian

Seems like you’ve made a new friend, well in this case you’ve gained a new guardian. I think you’ve also learnt that Oma doesn’t tell you off or punish you like Mummy and I… Sometimes I can see you taking advantage of this but remember… Daddy is always watching 🙂

Happy 2nd Birthday

It was a quieter one today as we’d already celebrated over the last couple of days. You were thrown a party at Creche, as is tradition. You received a crown and everybody sang Happy Birthday to you. I think you had a good day!

At home Mummy bought you another balloon and we opening your remaining presents, clothes!

One Day Closer

Tomorrow is your birthday so as not to overload with presents, tonight we’ll be opening a couple more… it’s like having 3 birthdays a year, you lucky girl 🙂 You were lucky to receive a new doll and doggy who play together. They sing and talk to each other, you love it when the doggy dances! TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY!!!! again? 😀