Your Birthday Came Early

As your birthday falls on a weekday we decided to celebrate it today, cake, balloons and presents! You received a remote control car, some building pegs and a lot of other little things. With it being so close to Christmas let’s hope they keep you busy for the next couple of months.

Halloween 2020

It’s that time of year again, when ghosts and ghouls come out to play! There’s a big party at Creche to look forward to, everyone will be dressed up in spooky outfits. You chose a ghost dress this year, so cute!

In the evening you continued the Halloween theme by rocking a pink ghost t-shirt. We had fun opening some presents and I captured a picture of you and Mummy were in a staring competition, or maybe it was just coincidence? 🙂

Oma Is Here

Oma has taken time out of her business schedule and come to pay us a visit, she’ll be here to spoil you as much as possible! During the COVID lockdown there isn’t too much to do except walking outside and playing in the house. I’m sure we’ll all find something fun to do together. You’ll be getting a taste of Romanian food on a daily basis, hopefully! Time for those chubby cheeks to shine 🙂

Booty Call

Just like Peppa Pig someone has some brand new booties! For now there are no muddy puddles for you to jump up and down in… plus I think Mummy would have a heart attack if you did 🙂 For now you’ve settled for jumping up and down on your chair.

Let’s Go Full ‘Inception’

Due to your love of your house and the fact that the weather isn’t so great in October, we’ve gone full inception today. Moving your house inside both gives you a great place to play and hide and most importantly… a place to dump all your toys! We’re going to have to setup a cleaning schedule for you, got to keep it all clean and tidy.

Flying Pigs

It’s finally happened… the pigs are flying! This however doesn’t mean you’re going to get whatever you were begging Mummy and me for. It just means you were a very lucky girl and you got your dream balloon, in this case ‘Peppa Pig’. Enjoy it while the helium lasts…. or until it hits something sharp.

Full Steam Ahead

It seems that every time we go out with your car someone ends up carrying it… both Mummy and I drew the short straw this time. I didn’t mind too much this time as it seemed you wanted to get some exercise, running at full speed. It’s only been half a year since you took your first steps… the connection between your brain and legs still gets interrupted every now and then.