Pencil Game

I managed to capture the end of our pencil game before you became ‘all laughed out’. It’s amazing to see how you become so fascinated with such little things, in a good way of course. We had a great time throwing pencils all around the room… you even enjoyed it when the time came to clean them all up… the only problem was when they were all packed up you decided to throw them everywhere again. It never ends! 🙂

No Cartoons!! Pizza Though

I know… I know… another pizza post, there might be quite a few to come, especially if you continue to look so cute while eating them. I think it’s because the slices look so big in your hands, you’re like a mini ‘giant’ 🙂 You thanked us for the pizza by providing us with a rendition of ‘Baby Shark’, ‘Frère Jacques’, and random screaming of the word ‘DaDa’… all rolled into one.

My Hair!!

No-one likes the rain, and our little lady is no different! It’s September in the Netherlands so this is something you’re going to have to get used to. Usually it takes quite some effort to get your hoody up… however with the threat of it getting wet and ruining your hairstyle… it’s up in an instant!


When it comes to getting dirt… juice… healthy food on your fingers you tend to go crazy… However when it’s chocolate, that’s a totally different thing altogether! The only thing you haven’t really realized is the fact that you can lick your fingers. You’re going to have to eat quicker 🙂

An Upgrade

I would of preferred a ‘free upgrade’ but seeing your face was worth the price! This is a huge upgrade! Flashing lights and a proper steering wheel. This will be your inside car, I wonder if all babies have a car for every occasion, LOL. We fear for the furniture but we’re hoping you try to avoid things as much as possible… the first picture you closed your eyes as you headed towards the closet… ‘Oh My!’

My Left… Or Your Left?

Mummy shouts at me when I leave you to struggle sometimes, however I believe that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger ‘, right? In this case you had major problems putting your shoes on… well I should say you had problems putting them on the correct feet 😀 I’m sure you’ll get to learn the different shapes, way before you learn the concept of left and right.

Catch Daddy

Probably not the best idea to have an indoor ball the size we do… but it keeps you busy and builds up your agility & dexterity I suppose. Luckily no windows were smashed during this session, also most importantly you received no more “boo boo’s”! There were a few close calls but you just laughed them off, as you normally do.

I Am A Robot…

… take me to your leader. I have to watch Mummy very carefully sometimes as she tends to come back home with random stuff. Today she came home with a Robot, possibly from the future, I don’t know… it didn’t try to exterminate us anyway. Like most new toys at your age it lasted an hour or so before you lost interest. However for that hour you were firmly attached to it, so much so that you didn’t want to let it go… sharing with me?… no chance 😀

Birthday Outing

As it was my birthday a week or so ago we took a weekend trip out to Amersfoort. We’ve never been there and it seemed a good a place as any. As you can see from the first picture you were very eager to walk, so much so that all my attempts to hold you ended in screams! There were even more screams when Mummy was trying to put you to sleep, oh my, what a fuss you made, literally trying to throw your toys out the pram! It was a fun day out but somehow my birthday slice of carrot cake ended up on the wrong side of the table. Mummy took the chance and you had the first few bites, luckily I got to eat the rest.

That Smile…

… gets me every time! You get enjoyment from so many things, mostly small but I won’t make a comparison to your mind 😀 They say that laughter is contagious and it really is true, you bring so much joy to us. I’m wondering how big your smile will be when I ask you to do the shopping in 10-12 years… 😀 I’ll definitely try to get that on camera!

A New Toy Daddy?

I got a late present from Grandma & Grandad in the post, however you quickly confiscated it and made it your own. I’m surprised the balloon didn’t go pop as you played with it. You loved to throw it up in the air and try to catch it again… it’s harder than it looks Little One.


The amazement in your face when Mummy brought out of cake was so adorable. You had them at your baptism but I guess you were too young to fully grasp the magnitude of them. You made up for it here with a BIG WOW!! Thanks to Mummy we enjoyed a lovely meal and scrumptious cake! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

The Big 4 O

I know what you’re thinking, I don’t look a day over 35 right? Or maybe 30 without the beard 😀 However it’s true, today I turned 40 and the mid-life crisis starts! Never fear though as I have you and Mummy to get me through it! Mummy is extremely busy at work this week so we’ll celebrate properly at the weekend. Today will just be presents, presents, presents and MORE PRESENTS!!! 🙂 I hope. Thank you Little One for all your gifts!

You fell in love with my birthday card from Mummy, it sings Happy Birthday! I think you ‘used’ it more than me.

With A Hop, Skip And A Jump

Out in the park today Mummy taught you how to play Hopscotch! You didn’t quite understand all the rules of the game but it made for an extremely funny and cute video. You soon got distracted by something in the distant, probably a ‘SQUIRREL’! 😀 I can just imagine you in the school playground playing this with all your little friends, obviously thrashing them due to your excellent mentor!