Bremen – Day 3

Today we took a leisurely stroll to a local animal park, it was further that we thought. And when I say stroll, you travelled in style, as usual 🙂 You took a fancy to the ducks however we stopped you before you could catch one 😀 In the end there wasn’t too much there for you, except a playground which we visited for 10 minutes, it would be rude not to right? In the afternoon we headed back for your afternoon sleep and a chocolate picnic in bed.

Things took a turn for the worse in the evening while looking for a place to eat, you developed an extremely high fever, around 39/40! We managed to quickly finish our meal while you slept on our shoulders. We decided that night to cut our holiday short by a day and started the long drive home. Let’s hope by the time we get home you return to normal, even halfway to normal would be a huge improvement.