Welkom Terug

Last week the day care opened again after 2 months on lock down, however we decided to keep you home for another week, just to let things settle down a bit. Obviously with spending 2 months at home with Mummy & me going back will be hard, for all of us! The plan was to ease you back in by you only spending 2 hours there today. When we dropped you off there were lots of water works 🙁 We waited anxiously for some pictures before picking you up.

Seems you spent a lot, if not all of your time in their arms, hugging Bunny and your toy blanket. Don’t worry though, in the afternoon Mummy & I treated you to lunch in front of the TV! Let’s hope your next time will go a little better. Plus you have to take into account you moved directly into a new class, with the bigger kids, a double shock to the system!

I’m not too sure who’s more engrossed in the cartoons 🙂 you or Mummy!