Every time I try to record your singing I either miss it or you spot me and stop 🙂 This time I managed to grab a few seconds of your chorus, the Cat’s Chorus so to speak 😀 One of your favorite songs, in English and Romanian is Bingo. You also like it when I sing the ABC song to you, humming along like you know the words. We can’t wait to see you on stage for your first school play. When I was young I played Joseph… one day I’ll show you the video.
Monthly Archives: May 2020
It’s A ‘Shoe’ In
Welkom Terug
Last week the day care opened again after 2 months on lock down, however we decided to keep you home for another week, just to let things settle down a bit. Obviously with spending 2 months at home with Mummy & me going back will be hard, for all of us! The plan was to ease you back in by you only spending 2 hours there today. When we dropped you off there were lots of water works 🙁 We waited anxiously for some pictures before picking you up.
Seems you spent a lot, if not all of your time in their arms, hugging Bunny and your toy blanket. Don’t worry though, in the afternoon Mummy & I treated you to lunch in front of the TV! Let’s hope your next time will go a little better. Plus you have to take into account you moved directly into a new class, with the bigger kids, a double shock to the system!
I’m not too sure who’s more engrossed in the cartoons 🙂 you or Mummy!
Etch A Sketch
When I was a kid one of my favorite toys was my ‘Etch A Sketch’, nowadays things have moved on a little but the same principle remains! It took Mummy a few tries to teach you how to reset it, after a lot of moaning and frustration from you of course. After a short time it became somewhat natural to you. Let the creativity… well… scribbles flow 🙂
Water Fight!
We’re still waiting for the day when we can have a proper water fight in the back garden i.e. when it’s warmer and you can understand why Daddy is spraying you with water 😀 For now we’ll settle for a bucket of water, some chalk and a small water gun 🙂 Can you guess who the main target was? If you take a look at your face in the pictures below I think you can easily work that out!
Gods Are Happy
It seems the Gods are happy today as we have both sun and no wind! We took this opportunity to enjoy a pleasant walk around the neighborhood. Stopping off by some grass we took some time to have a run around, chase a ball and bask in the sunshine. You didn’t quite grasp the first rule of football… don’t pick up the ball 😀 I think you’ll be a goalkeeper.
Sample Collection
For the doctors we needed to collect a urine sample from you, this required a cunning plan! More Cunning than a Fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University. We thought about letting you run around naked and chasing you with a bucket… probably not the best idea… The final idea was to buy you a potty 🙂 You’re going to need one in the future anyway right? So Mummy had the job of plying you with water while you watched cartoons. Seconds turned into minutes… minutes turned into an hour but eventually she heard the tinkle 😀 Let’s hope the results are good!
Working At The Car Wash
I’ve seen a few videos of children going through their first car wash, they all ended up in tears! 🙁 I had high hopes for us and for the first minute or so everything was going well… until the noises got louder 🙂 You can see by your face in the last picture that we had a lot of making up to do, extra chocolate and cartoons tonight it is.
Build It And She’ll Destroy It
Mummy picked out a new set of blocks for you, 50 pieces of various wood shapes for you to play with. I decided to try and build the structure on the box, it was a work of art. It took me a good 5 minutes to build and it took you 5 seconds to destroy. It was like a hit and run but with a smile and cute laugh 😀
It’s A Kind Magic, Magic, Magic
When giving you treats or just to give you a laugh, I created a game where I would hide something under a tissue and make it disappear. At first you were amazed as I was able to make it disappear and reappear. The cutest thing ever is we saw you days later trying to make things disappear yourself. The thing I love the most is that you actually learnt how I did the trick 🙂 Your execution is obviously nowhere as good as mine 😀
Blind Leading The Blind
I had to take the following video off our living room camera as I couldn’t figure out why you were crying, then it all became clear. You have a habit of walking with your eyes shut sometimes so I assume this was one of those occasions. Or you could have been watching the TV, we’ll never know 100%.
Have You Seen This Girl?
Snacks have started to disappear… I wonder where they could be going? 🙂 Who likes snacks except Mummy… and me? I can only blame myself for not taking into account your strength, or in some cases how skinny your arms are. Looks like I’m going to have to refit those child locks as they’re not doing their job.
My Cup, Your Cup, My Cup…
Somehow everything turns into a game for you, surprise surprise for a baby right? 😀 I blame Mummy for this one, she started this one… I was just playing it. You have a habit of watering your high chair causing Mummy to take it off you. One time you didn’t want to let go and the ‘Tug of War’ game was born 🙂 I’ve never heard you make the noises in the video before though, not sure which animal you were impersonating.
On The Road Again
Today we dusted off my bike and your seat, they’ve been in the garage for well over 8 months. I was surprised you were able to fit in comfortably, I know your face says otherwise! 😀 I think it’s down to you not being used to having a hat on, it irritates you! I just took you for a spin around the block, not too far. I’m sure this summer all 3 of us will enjoy lots of bike tours out, soon you’ll be on your own bike.
Little Miss ‘Piggy’
*WARNING – Cuteness Overload!
And of course I mean ‘Piggy’ in a cute way 🙂 Today you’re sporting extremely fashionable Pigtails! As your hair is getting longer we’re able to play with it a lot more. The thing we love the most, just like when we put new clothes on you, you always love to go and see yourself in the mirror when we finish.
I’m A Natural Beauty
A New Hobby
You’ve become fascinated with birds, to the point where you’re even trying to catch them when we’re out. Today you had to view them from afar, behind the window. This however didn’t stop you from showing your passion for bird watching 🙂 Whenever you see them fly off you give a look of disbelief, how could they fly off?!?!?! 😀
Is The Legend True?
Legend has it that, if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath, then the person you love will love you back. If seeds remain, then the object of your affection may have reservations about their feelings toward you…
Even though you couldn’t blow them all off in one go, we have no reservations of our love for you! Every time we go out together, to a park or just around the houses, you always come back with a Dandelion 🙂 Usually it’s a dead one that has seen better days but nevertheless, a nice flower for the house.
Green Fingers
Your Great Grandfather was a keen gardener and it seems like you’ve inherited some of those genes. Over the last week I’ve been working hard in the garden but today I had to enlist in your help. I needed help moving stones from one place to another, and then back again for some reason. I also needed help in randomly brushing sand into piles around the garden, with a hand brush. In the end the results speak for themselves, the bi-yearly clean of the back garden is complete! Ready to tackle the front Little One? 🙂
Happy 18th Month Birthday
You’ve reached another milestone, your 18th month birthday. You’ve already received a couple of your presents but don’t worry, we still have a couple to give you today. Mummy has wanted to buy you a little house for a while now and today, the wait has ended. We bought you your very own tent, Frozen themed as well! We look forward to the many hours you’ll play in there with your teddies 😀 And on the development side we also bought you a wooden counting play set, with colors and all! Let’s hope the 18th sleep regression doesn’t start tonight!