Little Drummer Girl

You love your piano when you’re in the mood, however today you loved the drums. When I say drums what I really mean is your bowl covered with plastic and 2 spoons. In your mind you were a ‘rock and roll’ star, even closing your eyes while drumming, feeling the music! When you’re older we’ll start off with something smaller and when we want to annoy the neighbors… we’ll buy you a drum set 😀

Birthday Preparations 2

Another present came today, a brand new Dolly to go with your pram. She comes with a variety of baby noises, her own dummy and even a bottle. You loved her so much and you couldn’t wait to put her in and feed her. You’ve spent many hours pushing her around, sometimes even just empty 🙂 There’s still 2-3 days until your birthday and you’ve already had 2 presents, I hope you have something left for the big day!

Birthday Preparations 1

Your 18th month birthday is approaching fast and your presents have started to arrive. As Mummy has no willpower at all when it comes to opening things, we’re opening a few of them a little early, 5 days in fact 😀 The first to come was your very first pram, all pretty in pink. You ‘helped’ me put it together before you took it for a spin, taking your baby out for a stroll around the living room. I wonder if the postman will bring anything else tomorrow… let’s wait and see!

Can You Chew That?

This morning I decided to make your Pap a little thicker to help it stay on your spoon… maybe I made it a little too thick! 😀 Apart from the awkward stares you gave me at times it all went quite well. To be honest I think you were staring through me, it was quite early in the morning. You still think it’s the end of the world when you get a little food on your fingers, sometimes even refusing to eat until they’re clean 🙂

Beautiful Butterfly

After we saw your reaction to pulling the Elephant Mummy bought a new ‘push and pull along’ toy for you, a beautiful butterfly. It’s wooden, cute and flaps its wings as it moves. It took you a little while to get used to it as at first you just dragged it around. I expect your interest to fade in a few days and it’ll take its rightful place in your toy corner 😀

Worth The Work

Sometimes you have to work for the nice things in life, your dessert is no different. I’ve never seen anyone with so much determination to eat slippery strawberries with a fork / spork 😀 Nevertheless you managed it, in quite a timely manner if I don’t say so myself. A few times you missed one, surprising yourself when you put an empty fork in your mouth 🙂 Always makes me and Mummy laugh!

Walk The Elephant

As we’re not buying you a dog, Mummy thought it would be nice for you to experience it, hence why you now have a pet elephant 🙂 Tying a ribbon around it she made you your very own pull along! Walking the elephant must have been too much hard work for you, somehow you ended up on the carpet with it on your back. I think Mummy had something to do with that 😀


Our little princess is becoming more independent, a little more everyday. When I’m feeding you in the morning and I try to feed you, you throw a tantrum! You want to do it yourself, even though it takes twice as long and there is quite some spillage 🙂 This is also the same at dinner where we’re now having to balance eating food and ensuring your food reaches your mouth, most of the time 😀 In the video you were extremely fast, much faster than normal, you must of been hungry. I’m not sure how it’ll be in the future but you favor your left hand for eating… for coloring it’s your right. I wonder which will win! 😀

What Color Is An Elephant?

I noticed that the Pampers box had a load of animals drawn on the inside, for coloring I assume. What better way to get those creative juices flowing again, let’s get the crayons out. It looks easy but it’s harder than it looks… I have to both color things in and make sure you don’t eat the crayons, draw on yourself or even the furniture 😀 I’m not sure how this would have gone with paints… I’ll let Mummy do that with you first 🙂

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny paid us a visit today and left chocolate eggs all over the place, I never knew bunnies laid eggs… 😀 You had a great time with Mummy searching for them all, even more so when you got to eat one! Just as we expected you got chocolate everywhere and to Mummy’s dismay, you also wiped your hands on your dress! 🙂 Mummy made a traditional Romanian salad and at the right moment, gave you a spoonful. To say you were surprised would be an understatement, let’s just say there was some face pulling before the salad reappeared. Strangely enough for a salad, I ate and enjoyed it 🙂

Creativity Morning

Happy Easter! Before the festivities began we had a morning of creativity. First you played on the piano… who needs a table when you have your legs? 😀

And then you joined me in creating a masterpiece! An extremely busy morning together 🙂

Day 26…

… of the lock down and our activities are in full swing. Today you decided to have a quieter morning, so instead of jumping up and down on my tummy, you had a relaxing read. Far much healthier for your eyes but your choice of reading material is a little suspect 🙂 I’m going to have to start to hide my choice in books!

Oh, and you’ve mastered the shapes puzzle. Your record at the moment stands at 25 seconds… however the first 5 seconds of that was you looking at me thinking ‘why are you counting Daddy?’ 😀

Who Put That Pavement There?

I jinxed it when I said after your first walks we all got back home safe and sound, today was a little different. You had your first fall that caused physical injury… with bleeding. You got a little too confident and your legs couldn’t keep up with your body 🙁 It’s strange as both Mummy and I, who was filming, saw it coming but for some reason froze 🙁

You cut your upper lip and just under your nose, nothing too serious but it was quite bloody… The thing that calmed you down was a neighborhood cat that just happened to walk past at the time, good timing… for us anyway. I’m sure this will be the first of many, we don’t welcome the next!

Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Outside Walkies

Here are some of your very first walks outside, in the wild! Mummy was very scared of you falling, hence why she was holding your hood 🙂 I’m very glad to say we all made it home in one piece.

Free Spirit

Now you’ve found your feet there is no stopping you! You spent the best part of the morning walking back and to and doing laps up and down the living room. You even took it a step further by including the carrying of items, such as your brown bear. We’ve waited a long time for this moment however I’m now looking around the living room thinking… ‘she’ll be in there now… I can’t hide the remotes there now…’ 😀 Our baby girl is really growing up. 🙂

I’m In The Mood… For Walking

I started to record this video with the intention of catching you play a nice tune, however I got more than I bargained for! 🙂 So you’re standing up by yourself, you’re walking a few steps… in our opinion that means you’re waking! No joke! We’ll put it down in your baby book / website that on 1st April 2020 you officially started walking.

Gonna Hogtie Me A Piggy

When you catch a Piggy there’s a few things you can do with him… Obviously I won’t go into any detail otherwise everyone who reads this will turn vegetarian… 😀 You on the other hand found a creative, and somewhat disturbing, thing to do to him 🙂