Out In The Sun

Today as promised the weather man delivered some lovely weather, so lovely in fact that we all went out for a walk. I led you both to a secret playground I found while strolling around the neighborhood. The only disadvantage of this one is there is no swing, however we met a local cat and he made up for that. While walking around you took a fancy to a lot of stones… as you can imagine it was a slow walk!

In the afternoon you put on another concert for us, you look so cute! When I was young I loved to play the keyboard, at home and at school. You look mega cute!

Lift Me Up

Today you did it! Under your own steam, with a wibble-wobble, you stood up!! Not only that but you found it fun, smiling and chuckling to yourself every time. The more me and Mummy clapped and cheered throughout the day the more you tried it. We have a feeling it’s only a matter of days now before we’re hearing *beep beep* as you waddle past 😀

Our Loyal Friend

Every time Mummy goes outside our little ‘Doggy’ starts to pine. Face pressed up against the glass, drool dripping down, she patiently waits for her owner to return. As a loyal friend she even holds her slippers, true devotion 🙂 OK, I should stop comparing you to a little doggy but it’s extremely cute to see, really! As long as you don’t learn to bite ankles, we’re all good 😀

I Can See The Light

We’ve moved into Day 12 of the ‘intelligent lockdown’, there’s not a lot happening at the moment. We are however experiencing an up turn in the weather so I hope, *fingers crossed*, we’ll have some sun to enjoy some nice walks outside soon. While we wait me and my new best friend will have some fun together, let’s learn the piano! 🙂

Oh, and as the sun is coming Mummy has dusted off your sunglasses. The last time you wore them was last year in Italy. Only difference now is you can put them on yourself… albeit it the wrong way 😀

Where’s That On The Scale?

After our game of hide and seek we had a nice tea party with Dolly. I’m not going to mention which end you tried to feed Dolly in… cheeks are cheeks right? 😀 For a treat you also got some fruit milk, you loved that for sure!! When it comes to drinking raspberry milk there’s no problem, however eating a raspberry… that’s another thing!

I think I must have given you too much raspberry milk… you were extremely hyperactive at the dinner table in the evening. Then again, this is becoming your normal behavior while eating, you like to keep us on our toes for sure!

King Of Hide And Seek

While playing upstairs you gave me an idea for the perfect hiding place, I then challenged you to a game of Hide and Seek! I’m proud to announce that I remain champion, world champion in fact 😀 If I wasn’t so cramped and hot in the wardrobe I could’ve stayed there for hours. I’m going to spend the remaining days in quarantine perfecting my hiding places, just in case you want to try and take the title away from me.

Inception Time

Day 7 into quarantine and we’re already performing scenes out of movies. Here is a video of you and me watching Mummy and yourself watching me and you on the laptop, or something like that. 3 levels of Inception! (great movie). You’ll probably call it a classic by the time you’re older.

Scaling Mount Acasa

With Mummy’s help you did the impossible and scaled the stairs. Many times I’m at the top with at the bottom behind the gate, looking up and thinking ‘if only I could climb those’. That dream came true with Mummy acting as your safety rope, don’t get any ideas about doing this while we’re not here! Let’s work on getting you walking before your climbing skills, there’ll be plenty of trees to climb when you’re older! 😀

My Hero

Super Daddy, Fireman Daddy, Officer Daddy are some of the names I go by… oh… Captain Daddy, Iron Daddy, Dare Daddy & Green Daddy, can’t forget those 🙂 Today was just a normal day in Hoofddorp when suddenly my super senses picked up on a damsel in distress. I leapt into action and with all my super powers at the ready I quickly identified the problem and saved her! 😀 My reward? Hugs and kisses!

Drifting Baby

When you’re in quarantine you have to think long and hard for activities to do, especially since we’ve been through quite a few already. I used my imagination to turn an empty cardboard box into a racing car! Your imagination must of also been running as you went for a drive in it, loving every second… I think 🙂 When you’re older and you can play driving games on the Xbox, you’ll have to teach me how to drift 🙂

Mission Impossible

There are a few things I can think of when asked ‘name something impossible’, I however never thought it would include ‘changing Emily’s diaper’ 😀 Mummy and you are having a lot of fun though, so that’s all that counts! You love to wriggle and giggle on the changing mat, seeing it as a challenge to see if you can stand up! You’re obviously only doing it to have your tummy tickled, I know your trick! You’ve also discovered the digital thermostat so that’s also one of your first targets 🙂

Quarantine Day 3 – Exercise

We’re on day 3 and I can already feel my legs seizing up, I need my gym! As we have a prison yard… I mean garden, we thought it would be a good idea for you to get some exercise. You had some great fun pushing your walker around until you hit something, we’d then turn you around and you’d repeat 😀 We even got you to walk some steps on your own! A few more weeks and you’ll be walking by yourself, I can feel it!!

Fun With A Surprise Ending

Dinner time now becomes a constant battle with you over your water cup. You’re either pouring it on the table and splashing in it, ‘washing’ your hands with it or just throwing it around 😀 Today you went with the latter and decided to try and wet everything within a meter radius 🙂 Mummy was distracting you with your new lip game and it caused the funniest reaction from you, such a cutie!!

Post Dinner Shenanigans

Such a good girl! You’ve learnt how to wash your hands by yourself! It’s a shame that you’re still at the table and you’re using water from your cup, but little steps 🙂 It’s funny to see you put the water on the back of your hand and then rub your palms together 😀 Such a sweetie! Mummy always says she loves your lips so you both win with your new game. I’m trying to teach you to do it to my lips as well.

It’s Important To Stay Active

I’m only referring to you though as you can see in the video, Mummy is ‘sleeping’ on the floor and I’m chilling out by the table. You on the other hand… it seems now we’re under lockdown you’ve become more active! Coming up with activities to keep all 3 of us active and/or entertained is going to be a tough one… I vote for ‘Netflix binge’!! 😀

Setting Up A Schedule

On day 2 we spent the morning destroying the front room and strangely enough, I only just figured out I could build a cube out of the number mats… I’m a bit slow sometimes 😀 It didn’t remain a cube for long as you can see. In the afternoon all 3 of us took a trip out together, 4 if you count dolly! This was the day where you suddenly became attached to her, not letting her go at all. In the end Mummy put her in a drawer as it was driving us… well me crazy! 😀 If we’re all to survive together for the next 3 weeks we must create a schedule, Lol… oh my, I feel the madness has spread…

Later we spent some time in the garden with your walker, got to get our exercise somehow while we’re under ‘Intelligent Lockdown’. You’ll have to excuse the state of the garden, as soon as the weather gets a little better I’ll get right on that! 🙂 For now it’s good enough to get some fresh air and to practice walking

Quarantine Madness Hits…

… after 5 hours at home with me 😀 Good news though!! Mummy has also been sent home from work due to the Coronavirus. She’s already been outside though…. should we let her in? 🙂 If we’re going to go mad we might as well all go mad together. Day 1 has been a long one, only another 3 weeks to go… 🙂

And So It Begins…

You’ll most likely learn about this period of time in history class, the time when most of the world was thrown into chaos due to the Coronavirus. The Dutch government announced over the weekend that all daycare’s are to shut until April 6th. This means you’ll be at home with us for a while as Mummy also has to work from home to limit any social interaction. Don’t worry though, I’m the type of person who worries a lot so I made sure you were stocked up for a while! 😀 Let’s hope everything returns to normal in April!

So on our first quarantine day we played ‘see how many toys you can play with at once’, your favorite game! You tried to make a run for it (quarantine madness), I caught you trying to put your shoes on… even if you managed to get them on I don’t think you would get very far, you can’t reach the door handle 😀

Let’s Hope Third Times A Charm

Today is your second visit to the ‘big kid’ class, the first one went fine however this morning you didn’t want us to leave, you started crying and didn’t stop 🙁 In the end they had to call Christine in to comfort you. It seems you’re not too keen on change, everything is so different in there! It also could of been down to a combination of that and us leaving you which made you all upset. Let’s hope the next one goes a little better.

*Beep Beep*

When you’re older and you’re wondering why every time you hear a beep you open your mouth and throw your hands back, you now know why 😀 You probably have me to blame for this but Mummy also had a hand in it, encouraging it as well. It started with the microwave where I would looked shocked when it beeped… looking around, pretending to not know where it came from. You caught onto this and as it looked super cute, we kept it going 🙂 I’m sure you’ll grow out of it and not grow up to fear the doorbell or alarm clock!