Our Little Master Chef

Today Mummy decided to see if you were ready to enter ‘Junior Masterchef’, and at the same time take advantage of the Happy Tower. It was a successful tryout, a great way to keep you entertained for 20-30 minutes. While she was busy preparing your next batch of meals you had fun making pasta… and carrot I believe 🙂 In a couple of years, or even less, you’ll be baking cakes with Mummy at the weekend. I dread to see the state of the kitchen after that 😀 When I was changing you for your bath I found a piece of dried pasta in your diaper, god knows how it got there! 😀

Emily, Don’t Be Rude

We’ve noticed, and a number of passing people have noticed, that you’ve started to use your middle finger to point at things… While slightly amusing at first you’ve started to get some funny looks, especially if you do it while waving! 😀 Hopefully you’ll grow out of it, either that or we sellotape it to your palm 🙂 We were at the dining table today and when I looked at you, you were sat there giving me the finger… I couldn’t take a picture quick enough. Below are some of the best pictures we could get, you’re very quick!

Vroom Vroom Vroom

We couldn’t let the ‘finger incident’ put a downer on your day so we took a trip out to IKEA. Having got there we found a few of the children’s cars free, we thought ‘why not?’ 🙂 You loved it, grabbing the wheel as we pushed you around the store, you even got to eat your snacks while ‘driving’!

Daddy Gave Me A ‘Boo Boo’

Today we had a small accident which ended up with you having a cut on your little pinky finger. You were in one corner of the living room while I was moving the couch to retrieve all the toys you’d put under there. When I went to move the couch back you suddenly appeared out of nowhere and I trapped your little finger 🙁 You were a very brave girl and took the whole experience well, cartoons can heal anything! You only had the plaster on for one day as it irritated you too much.