An Unusual Milestone

Today you achieved another milestone, not the happiest but a milestone nevertheless. The story goes as follows… all three of us were in the living room, playing on the table and having a laugh together. After putting you on the floor you proceeded to make your way into the kitchen to explore, like you always do. However you’d only taken a few ‘steps’ when suddenly you stopped, sat down and then started to projectile vomit on the floor…

We both rushed over to grab you just as the second gush came out and the crying began. Mummy took you away for cleaning while I dealt with the floor, the smell was revolting, our poor baby! Afterwards we sat you in your chair with Big Bunny while watching cartoons, you even managed to give us a smile now and then. You recovered well and by the evening you were back to normal.

It makes me smile a bit when I think about what was going through your mind at the time… I know… bad Daddy. Probably something like ‘what’s going on? why is food coming the other way?!?!’ or was it ‘I don’t remember eating that!’ 😀

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