‘Stoppit and Tidyup’

Lately you’ve been watching both Mummy and I putting things in the bin, I’m not sure you understand why we do it however you love to help 😀 The thing you’ve learnt is that the tissues we use to clean you go in there. Given one you make the journey to the kitchen and put it in the bin! It’s cute to see you pull yourself up, lift the lid and then put it in. The only problem after that is getting you away from it, you’ve developed a fascination as to what else is in there.

Feeling A Little Hot?

I wasn’t joking in my previous post about the curry. I made both Mummy and I one so I thought you deserved one too. Mummy could foresee the mess so she dressed you in your full body bib, it’s a shame we didn’t protect the floor as well! 😀 Don’t worry as yours wasn’t hot, it was mostly made up of chicken, tomato & mango chutney. You loved it however you seemed to prefer ours… and that was a Tika Masala… Lol Seems you’ve inherited our loved for spicy food!

The rice on your hands drove your crazy 😀 You’re such a cutie!

Pizza Queen

I’m not sure we should be advertising the fact that our 15, nearly 16 month old baby is eating pizza for dinner! All babies go through the fussy eating stage and today was no different… except the fact that Mummy and I were sharing a pizza at that time. You’re constantly wanting to eat what we eat, also from our plate and in this case… the pizza box! It was a ‘Pizza Chicken Kebab’ and surprising enough you loved it. I had eaten my half very quickly so Mummy was feeding you hers 😀 I don’t think she saw this as being fair… but if you snooze… you lose right? 🙂

Anyway, it looks like our ‘Little Big Girl’ is ready to ditch the pureed foods and start eating what we’re eating. Hmmmm… I think this means we’re going to have to cook healthy food?!?! How do you like your curry, hot I hope 😀

Life Is Like A Carnival

This weekend in a few regions, mostly the south, they celebrate Carnival! Today at the creche they organized a Carnival themed action packed day. For us this meant a trip to the shops to get you suitable attire, Mummy loves this bit. It was a hard choice, either a ‘Red Lobster’ or a ‘Pineapple Suit’ 😀 In the end we went for the safe choice, a ‘Sailor Girl’ outfit, at least in this you have room to breathe!

At creche you had a great time, you even played with the older kids who’d also got dressed up for the occasion. Here are some of the best pictures from your day, let’s just hope the cake was sugar free! 😀

Happy Birthday Granddad

I couldn’t post this when it happened as Granddad would’ve already seen what he was getting for his birthday, I’ll post it later, after his big day! 😀 Mummy bought the card so I thought it would be a good idea to test it out on you. You loved the music, opening and closing the card to try and figure out where the music was coming from. The smile on your face is you giving your approval that the card is good enough! 😀

Our Girly Girl

You spend most of you time, both at home and creche, wearing leggings, jeans or ‘sweat pants’. Today when we went out Mummy wanted to make you a ‘Girly Girl’ by giving you a dress. You look so cute! I’m sure you’ll agree when you take a look at the pictures below. It’s also true we have a lot of dresses which you’ve never worn that will soon be too small for you, two birds with one stone right? It seems such a shame to donate them with never being wearing worn. You’ll be wearing a lot more from now on.

For some reason when I look at the last picture it reminds me of the 1920’s, I imagine you dancing the Charleston or the early Lindy Hop, I think it’s the hat.

Happy Valentines Day

It’s Valentine’s day and you’re celebrating it with us, you even made us a special gift at creche! I put it together with the flowers I bought and we gave them to Mummy when she got home. For dinner we also enjoyed some luscious desserts, the day when diets go out the window. As you like to stomp your feet I would hate to see the mess at creche when they put paint on your hands and feet. Nevertheless it was a perfect picture from our perfect daughter!

A Surprise Present

Mummy’s boss at work received a duplicate baby walker and asked if we wanted it, we jumped at the chance. It’s much better than the one we have and you love it to bits, it even works on the carpet. It’s very squeaky however this makes you laugh your little heart out. It’s amazing to see you with very little help walk from one end of the room to the other. The only thing you need to do now is to learn to change direction and stop on a dime 😀 I give it a month or so before you have the courage to do this without the walker!

Our Little Master Chef

Today Mummy decided to see if you were ready to enter ‘Junior Masterchef’, and at the same time take advantage of the Happy Tower. It was a successful tryout, a great way to keep you entertained for 20-30 minutes. While she was busy preparing your next batch of meals you had fun making pasta… and carrot I believe 🙂 In a couple of years, or even less, you’ll be baking cakes with Mummy at the weekend. I dread to see the state of the kitchen after that 😀 When I was changing you for your bath I found a piece of dried pasta in your diaper, god knows how it got there! 😀

Emily, Don’t Be Rude

We’ve noticed, and a number of passing people have noticed, that you’ve started to use your middle finger to point at things… While slightly amusing at first you’ve started to get some funny looks, especially if you do it while waving! 😀 Hopefully you’ll grow out of it, either that or we sellotape it to your palm 🙂 We were at the dining table today and when I looked at you, you were sat there giving me the finger… I couldn’t take a picture quick enough. Below are some of the best pictures we could get, you’re very quick!

Vroom Vroom Vroom

We couldn’t let the ‘finger incident’ put a downer on your day so we took a trip out to IKEA. Having got there we found a few of the children’s cars free, we thought ‘why not?’ 🙂 You loved it, grabbing the wheel as we pushed you around the store, you even got to eat your snacks while ‘driving’!

Daddy Gave Me A ‘Boo Boo’

Today we had a small accident which ended up with you having a cut on your little pinky finger. You were in one corner of the living room while I was moving the couch to retrieve all the toys you’d put under there. When I went to move the couch back you suddenly appeared out of nowhere and I trapped your little finger 🙁 You were a very brave girl and took the whole experience well, cartoons can heal anything! You only had the plaster on for one day as it irritated you too much.

Happy Tower

A week or so ago Mummy bought you a ‘Happy Tower’ that functions as a desk, a blackboard and a tower to allow you to reach counter tops. Mummy’s looking forward to you standing next to her while she’s cooking 🙂 I’m not sure if you’ll be more of a hindrance than help though, we’ll see when we set it up in the kitchen. Today we decided to test out the blackboard mode to see how you handle standing and drawing at the same time.

When George was here last weekend we did try out ‘desk mode’ quickly, the only downside to it is the huge gap behind you. We were worried that you’d fall backwards at any second, in the end we tied a scarf across to act as a barrier.

Look Who’s Here

Mummy’s cousin George arrived in Amsterdam for a concert, and obviously to see his favorite ‘first cousin once removed’ 🙂 He brought you some presents as well! Eight building blocks that have letters, numbers and animals on them. Also a toy that you can use in the bath that acts like a water wheel, you lucky girl!

On the Sunday before he flew home we gave him some practice for the future, pushing and walking you around Hoofddorp. He got to bond with you and Mummy and I got some rest 😀

An Unusual Milestone

Today you achieved another milestone, not the happiest but a milestone nevertheless. The story goes as follows… all three of us were in the living room, playing on the table and having a laugh together. After putting you on the floor you proceeded to make your way into the kitchen to explore, like you always do. However you’d only taken a few ‘steps’ when suddenly you stopped, sat down and then started to projectile vomit on the floor…

We both rushed over to grab you just as the second gush came out and the crying began. Mummy took you away for cleaning while I dealt with the floor, the smell was revolting, our poor baby! Afterwards we sat you in your chair with Big Bunny while watching cartoons, you even managed to give us a smile now and then. You recovered well and by the evening you were back to normal.

It makes me smile a bit when I think about what was going through your mind at the time… I know… bad Daddy. Probably something like ‘what’s going on? why is food coming the other way?!?!’ or was it ‘I don’t remember eating that!’ 😀

Let’s Try Something Different

The transition from pureed to solid food is still not going as planned. We’re trying to coax you each meal by placing a few items in your bowl. We continue to feed you puree while you ‘eat’ what we put in the bowl. Today we tried pasta… that didn’t go so well 🙁 Mummy tried mixing in some packet vegetables but that just made the situation a little more messy. I think you’re going to skip the in-between stage and go straight to chomping down on a burger one day 😀

Access All Areas

Another milestone… and another reason to never take our eyes off you in the living room 🙂 Today was the first time you managed to climb onto the couch by yourself! After the first time I wondered how you would get down… you decided the smart way was to go head first 😀 Hence why you can’t be alone! 🙂 The second time you did better and slid off on your stomach… feet first.