A Good Egg

It’s like a perfect storm! You’ve had a good day at creche, you still have energy, you’ve enjoyed your evening meal and Mummy does something that just tickles you silly! In this case it involved throwing and trying to catch plastic eggs in their box. You just couldn’t get enough of them, ‘egging’ Mummy on to throw them more and more 😀 She even tried the grapes but you didn’t see the funny side of those… 🙂 In the future we’re going to have to try this again to see if you remember just how much fun you had. It’s a shame you don’t want to eat her omelette though!

Emily Being Emily

The exact moment I take out my camera you stop the crazy thing you’re doing, it’s like you’re saying… “look at me! I’m an angel!” 😀 Our family meal together is always eventful in some manner, this time you went a ‘little’ crazy shouting at us. I continued to film you anyway as it’s always interesting to imagine what’s going on in that little mind of yours, if only you could tell us!

Happy Sinterklaas

He arrived last week but tonight is when you officially get your presents. Come to think of it I believe you’re supposed to get a present each night. This isn’t too far off the truth as you got your new princess car and shopping cart over the last few days. We have a picture below of you and all your gifts, you did very well and we still have Christmas to come!

You love your little dolly the best, it says ‘Mama’ & ‘Papa’, cries and laughs when you squeeze its stomach. You were hugging her, kissing her on the head when we said ‘Kiss Kiss’ to you 🙂 You dropped her a few times on her head but we’ll ignore that 😀 She even has a little hat for you to keep taking off… along with your socks. The Lego wasn’t the biggest hit however I managed to make a few things before you destroyed them, a Giraffe and large tower.

Let The Fun / Chaos Begin

The living room was already a little messy but after starting the Christmas tree Mummy was nearly crying 🙂 You helped a little, however you weren’t as fascinated by the tree as we expected. You loved Mummy’s dog that sings and flaps its ears, so much so that she won’t be taking it to work this year, it’ll stay home to entertain you 🙂

You helped me put the final touch on the tree with the silver spire! There’ll be a lot more pictures to come as our house slowly transforms into ‘Santa’s Grotto’. At this time of year I’m sure the electricity companies are rubbing their hands together… 🙂

Surprises Don’t Last Long Here

This was supposed to be your Christmas present but as soon as Mummy saw it that was never going to be the case. So not only do I need to hide her presents I also need to hide yours! Don’t worry though as you’re still going to have plenty of things to open under the tree, I’ll put padlocks on them to keep you both out!!! 😀 Plus it’ll be Sinterklaas in 2 days so if you’ve been good you might get something.

Crazy Shopper

When we’re in Albert Heijn (supermarket) we always see the small shopping carts for children, there tends to be a mad rush to get them. Unfortunately you’re a little too young to use them, plus they require you to walk 🙂 So… for at home Mummy decided to buy you something to practice with, just so you know what to do when the time comes. It came with a carrot, paprika, eggplant, mushroom, 2 eggs and a box of cereal. The cereal box didn’t last too long… you ate it.. 😀

I’m not sure how but you somewhere ended up inside the shopping cart, this time it wasn’t me:) You can blame Mummy for that one!