New Year Celebrations Part 2

Happy New Year, Happy New Year & Happy New Year! We celebrated all 3 New Years, first the Romanian, then the Dutch, and finally the British 😀 This of course meant we had to have 3 toasts with 3 bottles of champagne. You stayed fast asleep while the fireworks were going off, quite amazing really as you normally wake up at least once on a normal day!

Below you’ll find some pictures of our New Years dinner, we included you of course 🙂

New Year Celebrations Part 1

It’s 8 pm and it’s nearly your bed time 🙁 This means you’re not going to be awake for the New Year. Luckily the fireworks that Mummy bought also had some indoor party ones so we decided to see how you would react to them. You didn’t even flinch when they went off, probably due to the numerous times we’ve scared you since you were born 😀 Let’s see if the fireworks at midnight wake you up!

The Great New Year Clean

Mummy hates a dirty house, especially a dirty house going into the New Year. Today she roped Uncle George into hoovering the house while I looked after you and she cleaned. He left the hoover next to the tree and you couldn’t wait to ‘help’ him out a bit 🙂 You’re at the stage in your development where you’re able to watch a task and break it down into its individual actions, you love to try and do them all yourself!

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot…

It’s not exactly a Christmas dish but we do love a good curry 🙂 This evening we treated ourselves to an Indian at the Indian Kitchen restaurant! We had a somewhat private table in the back where you could make as much noise as you wanted… well I don’t think that was their plan but you made your own as usual 😀 We all opted for mild curries this time so no mouths were burnt 🙂 It’s nearly New Year and we have a lot more eating to do!

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

If there’s one thing that will never change with Oma is her desire to have fun with you, at every opportunity! Over the last few days while you’ve been sleeping she sits there watching the screen, patiently waiting for you to wake up. She virtually jumps at every strange sound you make, thinking you’re awake and you get to play again. I was getting some rest, i.e. drinking coffee and I came back to the sound of giggling 😀 Of course it stopped the minute you saw the camera. Then it just turned into a shouting and screaming match for some reason 🙂 Don’t argue with Oma!

Boxing Day Antics

In the UK the 26th, Tweede Kerstdag, is called ‘Boxing Day’. Apparently this was when the rich boxed presents for their servants… so what are you giving us today? 😀 We didn’t want to be cooped up in the house all day so we all went into the center together to see what we could find. We found a wonderful carousel in the shopping mall, well… it was kind of hard to miss 🙂

I don’t know what it is with over-sized toys and you… they just seem to be attracted to you for some reason 🙂 I don’t know how it happens, they just magically jump into your pushchair while I have my camera out, weird coincidence right? 😀

Gift Time With A Special Guest

Just before we were about to start opening presents I heard the sound of hoofs on the roof. I decided to go investigate and was passed on the stairs by Santa!!! 🙂 He asked me to look after his reindeer while he delivered some presents to a very special girl! Upon seeing his you were very suspicious, watching him throughout the entire encounter. You were however very happy with what he brought you. This year you were extremely lucky, virtually all the presents under the tree were yours!

Working Off Christmas Lunch

After a Romanian themed Christmas lunch, and as the weather was nice, we decided to head on out to work off some extra calories 🙂 You were in your pink bike so it wasn’t much exercise for you but you did enjoy yourself, Uncle George did most of the pushing. By the end of our walk we increased the pace to get home quicker, all those presents underneath the tree wouldn’t open themselves 😀 Plus I had a message to tell me there’d be a special guest dropping by with a personal delivery for you!

Christmas Morning

I always remember being young and waking up at the crack of dawn to see if he’d been, checking my stocking to see if it was full of presents 🙂 You’re a bit young for that so we’re able to have a more relaxing morning with the presents underneath the tree. This year will probably be the last when we’re able to wait until after Christmas lunch to open them. We spent the morning preparing the food, chatting and playing in front of the TV, what more could we ask for?

Santa’s Grotto

Hoofddorp isn’t quite at the North Pole but we wanted to make sure that the house was somewhat festive for your first Christmas at home. Mummy and I spent a lot of time decorating the window, the living room and of course, putting up the Christmas tree. She did most of the work in decorating the tree, I organised and directed 😀 … something like that. I thought it would be nice to show you what the place looked like during this joyful period.

Happy Birthday Mummy

We teamed up again this year to surprise Mummy with some gifts, I wrote the cards, got the flowers and you made her something special at creche, what a great team! I think we did a great job, she was thrilled with what you made her and she loved her flowers as usual. As Oma & Uncle George were here I bought a birthday cake to share, something special from Multivlaai. Next year you’ll be able to wish her ‘Happy Birthday’ verbally 😀 (something other than ‘da’ and ‘dis’), I’m sure I’ll have to help with the card but that’s ok, I enjoy doing it! 🙂

Getting In The Festive Spirit

Today is special in a few ways. It’s Christmas Eve, Oma & Uncle George are coming to visit and the best of all… it’s Mummy’s birthday! Unfortunately she has to work today… on her birthday 🙁 Don’t worry though as we’ll all celebrate later tonight when she’s home, Oma & Uncle George and all. For creche we were asked to dress you in a festive spirit, Mummy really delivered on this right one?

Mummy thought you needed more sleep but I’m under the impression you were trying to hum ‘Jingle Bells’ 😀 You were really trying to get in the Christmas spirit!

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

We had a pleasant surprise while out doing our last minute shopping in Hoofddop, we ran into Santa Claus! From what I understand he was also out doing his last minute shopping for all the good kids of the world… are you one of those? Let’s wait to see if you get a visit from him this year, I hope he’s fast enough as to not set our alarm off!

Tiggers Like To Bounce

I’m not sure how long I’ve had this toy but it’s been living on top of our closet for the last few years. Grandma & Granddad think your Auntie Sarah bought it me when I was young, so we’re looking at 20 years+. With some new batteries it works as good as new. We were expecting more of a reaction however you were very hesitant at first, maybe we caught you in the wrong mood. It’ll stay downstairs to keep you entertained just as it did when I was ‘young’… I think I was like 18 when I got it 😀 I’ve always been a big kid at heart.

Mummy left the toy cupboard open and the little doggy got in 😀 It also seems like the doggy wanted to lick and slobber all over anyone who dared to get near to her toys!

Hide And Go Seek

This morning we had a closely fought game of Hide ‘n’ Seek in the living room. You obviously have a natural advantage being the size you are 😀 You went to your favorite hiding place, underneath one of the bar stools, I think it’s your second home now 🙂 Mummy has now placed a mat there due to the amount of time you spend on the floor, I’m personally thinking of charging you rent 😀 Lol She can’t wait to buy you a Princess Castle… I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact you might spend hours in there playing.. ?!? As long as you invite us in for a nice cup of ‘tea’ I’m happy!

Emily van Gogh

You’ve been busy at creche making things again, this time you made us a Christmas card. Thanks Sweetie! I know it’s only a footprint but it’s extremely well made 🙂 I think you’re going to be a budding artist when you grow up. When you’re a little older we’ll give you an easel, plastic coat and a set of paints. It’ll be amazing to see what abstract creation you come up with! 😀 You might literally ‘paint the room red’ 😀

We think that’s also your face as Santa 🙂 It’s kind of blocked by your pinky! 😀

A Wet And Windy Sunday

Mummy and I are in the market for a new bed so we took a trip out to IKEA, one of our favorite places to visit on a rainy and windy Sunday. Now you’re getting older it’s not the case that you’ll stay inside the push chair all the way around. You’re extremely curious, wanting to try out new things, touch EVERYTHING! We found a moose to keep you entertained for a few minutes and Mummy even tried you in a rocking chair.

There’s always one thing in there that’ll keep you quiet for a while… cuddly toys! the bigger the better it seems 🙂 So while Mummy and I are busy shopping you’re ‘singing’ to yourself and eating a toy.

Ems The Builder

It’s Sunday morning and I’m looking for an activity that we can do together, something that’ll hold your attention for more than 5 minutes, I’m going to try Lego. I have to admit you might of got a little help from me for these creations, I can however testify to the fact that you destroyed them all! And if you’re wondering, it kept you occupied for all of 10 minutes, until you started to wander off looking for the remote control. I made it clear to you that while we played the TV would remain off! Something you continued to protest over for… well… the whole time 😀

As I mentioned before you were determined to find the remote control to turn on your cartoons. When you found it I got a whole story on why you should have it and why you should watch cartoons 😀

Socks On, Socks Off

Just like Mr Miyagi (‘Wax On… Wax Off’), we’ve decided to use our secret weapon in our continued war with you and your socks! I can honestly say that I believe we’ve won, it’s over! Many socks have been dropped, lost, eaten or worse… but no more! You have to remember that these are for your own good at creche. We don’t want you spending hours crawling around in bare feet before they notice, this way everyone wins.