Today we decided to celebrate Halloween, even though you are starting to show signs of getting sick 🙁 Mummy bought you a nice T-shirt to celebrate at creche and as I like candy, that was my job. In the Jack-o-lantern I put lots of boxes containing raisins and dried apricots, bio of course 😀 In the future we’ll join the organised ‘Trick or Treat’ evenings which I’m sure you’ll love, there you’ll get real candy!
Monthly Archives: October 2019
New Areas With New Dangers
The days of plonking you down, turning around and having you not move are gone! This can obviously be a huge problem while preparing a bath with you crawling around the landing near the stairs. So today I’ve just finished installing a new gate and I thought I’d put it to the test, the ‘Emily Test’ 😀 It held extremely well, there’s no way you’re going to squeeze though, break it or even open it 🙂 This is a little frustrating for you but you came around and had some fun, my little caged doggy! 😀
The Power Of Words…’Emily… No’
This started off as a sneaky video of you playing with your socks… however it turned into so much more 😀 You’re really learning, to the point where you get frustrated when I tell you not to do something… like going behind the table to play with my Xbox. There was so much moaning and ‘crying’ in this video however not one tear was shed 🙂 I love how you have hold of the clock while watching and listening to me saying No, but continuing to lift it. Mummy and I are going to have our hands full when you’re a little older!
Slow Motion Perfection
You’ve been making great strides, not literally but you’re getting there. Over the last few days we’ve found you sitting up in bed and you’ve been pulling yourself up on the changing mat. Today I was in a good position to capture it however unfortunately I wasn’t able to capture it on video but I did do a burst shot, creating the small animated gif 🙂 I’m sure over the next week now that you’ve found your footing you’ll be taking full advantage of your newly developed skill!
It’s an unusual technique but it works for you 🙂 Sometimes you do the splits and sometimes you only use the one leg to hold you in position. When you’re on a slippery floor it’s quite funny to see as you keep sliding backwards until you gain traction, sort of like a wheel spin in a car however you can end up a few meters behind you 😀
Winter Is Coming
Someone is being slowly being prepared for the winter months, we’ve loving you in your woolly hat and scarf. I have a feeling that Mummy is going to wrap you up in many layers this winter, so much so that if you fall you’ll bounce right back up again 😀 Assuming you’re walking by then of course *fingers crossed*. Daddy also needs to remember to put your shoes on in the morning when taking you to creche, he keeps forgetting… as reminded by Mummy each day 😀
Monty Python & The Child Ride
We took a different route back to the car so we didn’t have time for the Hamster @ Albert Heijn. Mummy however spotted another ride for you to have a go on, you picked the police car! We were in for a bit of a shock though… as soon as Mummy put the money in it jumped into action, spinning incredibly fast from the start! 😀
Mummy managed to hold you tight while her feet caught up 🙂 You really got your moneys worth as it went on and on… and on… and on… in the end poor Mummy was ready to collapse so she had to pull you out. Me on the other hand, being the idiot I am, I was busy recording and still laughing from the initial ‘Monty Python’ style start 🙂
Your Carriage Awaits
Soon you’ll be wanting to walk around these aisles by yourself, grabbing things off the shelf 🙂 Plus in a few more months you’re going to be a little too big to fit in a basket like this! I have a feeling as soon as you get bored of walking you’re going to want to be picked up and carried around anyway, even at 20 kg+ 😀
You picked out something special for your tea that night… our little doggy!
Now That’s A Tight Squeeze
While preparing your milk in the morning I heard some grunts of effort coming from your general direction. Upon investigation it seems you’ve found a new place to explore… albeit a little tight. I’m not even sure how you were planning on getting out of there. The twinkling lights on the internet router caught your gaze and you decided it was worth the ‘one way journey’ into the unknown 😀 The thing is along your way you came face to face with my XBOX… this wouldn’t normally be a problem however after a few pokes here and there you found the power switch 🙂 Like father like daughter it seems, my little gamer chick!
Ride em Cowgirl
Today we took a trip out to the garden center for a look around and a bite to eat. I think it was Mummy’s plan all along in order to take a look at the Christmas decorations. You may say “but it’s only October Daddy…”, you’d be right but they were starting to put them all out… crazy right? Mummy and I can’t wait to go shopping for a new tree, something smaller than what we have now as someone has a liking for shining twinkling things 😀 In the past we had to worry about cats climbing and destroying the tree… now it’s a ‘rugrat’ 😀
On the way around we found both a tiger and horse to ride! You were very hesitant to touch the horse but Mummy soon coaxed you around… eventually putting you in the saddle 🙂
You’re such a cutie!
Our Secret Weapon Has Been Released
The not so secret weapon has now been released, you even watched me / helped me fit them to all the cupboards. I don’t think you knew exactly what I was doing until you tried to open them again, then you got a surprise! 😀 We put locks on all the cupboards that are in easy reach of you when you’re in your baby walker, and when ‘crawling’ come to think of it. The thing is though you don’t seem very upset by it, you still continue to try and open and close them, albeit only for a few seconds before moving on 🙂
The Kermis Is In Town
As the Kermis (Fair) is here this weekend we decided to take a trip out to see what they had… long story short… not a lot 😀 We stayed for maybe 10-15 minutes as it was pretty empty, of people and rides, there wasn’t even any food there!!! You got scared of the music and spinning / flashing lights on the rides 🙁 We grabbed a few pictures and headed home, stopping off at Subway for a bite to eat. The Kermis in Amsterdam was great back in 2013, I even remember getting your mother to go on the big wheel 🙂
Here’s Mummy and I back in 2013 at a real Kermis 🙂
The ‘Feng Shui’ Is Flowing
When your daughter is bumping into something every few seconds it’s either she’s a very bad driver… or there’s not enough space 🙂 Let’s try and fix the second issue first 😀 We deliberated over this for a while, and even more so when actually doing it, we moved things around to make some more space. We’ve turned it into a play area, or race track depending which mood you’re in.
I’m King Of The Jungle… With A Weird Sense Of Humor
While walking around IKEA Mummy asked me to find something to keep you occupied with along the route… I think I did a good job right? Or do you think it’s a little too big for you? 😀 Anyway, Mummy got you something a bit more suited to your current stature.
I’m sorry for the next video, when handed a large cardboard tube with an unsuspecting child with her back to me… what is a father supposed to do? Yes… I failed the test 😀
Sir Issac Has Nothing On You
You’ve learnt how to drink from a ‘Sippy cup’ while on your back but what happens when you’re sitting down? You don’t have gravity working for you! When it comes to learning things involving food, drinks… remote controls… phones and any other type of screen you’re extremely quick. I think having apple juice in it instead of water helped out a little 😀
Only 1 More To Go
If you visit the All About Me page you’ll see when you had all your vaccinations, today was one of them, one of the worse 🙁 It started off quite well, you got weighed, measured in height and head circumference. The injections though, one in either leg left you in tears, Mummy was close to following 🙁 I had the uncomfortable job of restraining you while the doctor did the jab, also not that pleasant. For a treat we took you into Hoofddorp, ‘Mummy said I need to buy you a very expensive toy’ 🙂
We couldn’t find a suitable toy, plus in a few weeks you’ll be getting a special one for you 1st Birthday 🙂 There have been clues in previous posts. We treated you to a visit to Hema for a bite to eat and a play with their new activity wall.
Oh, and when we walked in H&M you were blasted by warm air causing you to pull the funniest of face. I couldn’t help resist grabbing a quick snap 😀
I Love ‘Low Hanging Fruit’
You’re still a little sick with a slight fever and ‘crankiness’ 🙁 Today you’ll stay home with me… however it won’t be the same as our ‘Daddy Day’ last week, you have to recover! You spent a large proportion of the day on your playing mat and in your baby walker. With access to more areas you’re discovering more and more… this isn’t necessary a good thing… for Mummy and I anyway 🙂
You’ve managed to find and learn where the remote controls are kept and seeing as you love cartoons… when you’re in your baby walker this is one of your first stops. Today I had a cunning plan and swapped them all for an old one… you played with it while constantly looking at the TV 🙂 Wondering why it wasn’t switching on. Low hanging ‘fruit’ like ornaments are now slowly being removed and/or moved higher 😀 Next to come are locks for the cupboards!
And The Award Goes To…
Today at creche you received some kind of diploma, quite a mystery! Upon opening it we discovered that you’d actually been painting at creche today! This was to celebrate the Dierendag. I like your choice of colors however I’m still struggling to think of a red animal 😀 We can see both from the pictures of the creche and this painting that you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, maybe this should be on your Christmas wish list?… I can just imagine Mummy’s face when she sees red hand prints all over her curtains 😀
Price Check On Aisle 1
A quick trip to Vomar resulted in a ‘buy of the century’! Mummy was upset it wasn’t ‘1+1 gratis’ 😀 One of the young workers there was watching us with so much curiosity… he didn’t say anything but I could imagine his thoughts… “I’m a third of their age and I know that’s not the wisest of things to do” 🙂 Anyway, you sat there for a quick picture while reshaping our bread to a more bun shape… in this case… a pair of buns 😀
It’s Daddy Day… Oh… Happy Birthday
It’s Wednesday and Mummy’s at work… someone needs to look after you! As a proud and loyal father I took up the challenge… to be a man slave for a 11 month old baby for the day. Oh and Happy 11 Month birthday, we get to spend it together for the whole day! We started the day with a driving lesson followed by a moment of relaxation and bite to eat. Then in the afternoon we headed into Hoofddorp for a walk around, coffee and cake anyone?!? 😀
Quick driving lesson I hope that’s hands free? Morning relaxation Blocks are the best buy ever! “High Five!” “Er.. this way Daddy!!!” “Oh, you said take one? Sorry :)” Helping Daddy with the washing “Drumming my feet on this sounds great” “Daddy, foot to the metal please!” “Hi Mommy, hope you’re OK” “I eat so daintily” “Daddy, I’m soooo hungry!!!” “Is there anywhere you won’t take a picture?” “I love the AH hamster!” “Daddy, this is the 4th time, I feel sick” “I’m so happy with my toys” HAPPY BIRTHDAY “You smell nice!”
Videos of the day: