There was something else that happened today while I come to think about it. We took a different approach with brushing your teeth and tried a finger toothbrush for the first time. It works OK… however it’s made of rubber and when 6 razor sharp teeth clamp down on it… OUCH! I think we’re going to go back to the normal toothbrush and battle through until you get used to having them cleaned. The experience led to some cute pictures 😀
Daily Archives: September 27, 2019
Our Room Is A Little Quieter Now
We knew it was inevitable and now it’s finally happening, you’re moving to your own bedroom! I think I’ve been putting the task of moving your bed off for a while now, there’s part of me that doesn’t want you to leave… but you can’t sleep with us forever. Don’t worry though as Mummy and I are also moving to the guest bedroom where we’ll be in easy reach. Plus we have two watchful eyes on you throughout the night, there’s no escaping our gaze 🙂
All prepared with 2 bunnies on guard Big brother is always watching Supper with a new view Someone admiring her new ‘crib’ Someone loving her million dollar view while drifting off
The following morning you woke up with the same ‘bed hair’ as usual 😀
You’re Inches Away… Literally!
So this evening, after your tablet time at the creche, I put you to work… cleaning the floor 😀 It’s not exactly crawling however you’re extremely close. You’re kind of pulling yourself along the floor while you legs push from the side, kind of like a frog 🙂 The videos will show you what I mean. I was somewhat excited in the videos so please ignore me, I’m just a little crazy… I wonder if that’s where your nickname came from? 😀
Why Am I Not Surprised?
I happened to glance through the window while picking you up today and what did I see… someone happily watching cartoons on the creche’s tablet! 😀 What did you have to do to wing that? You must of been a very good girl during the day! Christine assured me they were purely educational cartoons… I’m not entirely convinced. So tonight there’ll be no screen time, we don’t want you getting square eyes do we! 🙂
I Finally Did It!
It’s been a rather quiet week here, a combination of bad weather and lots of things going on last weekend. When I started this blog / vlog I was initially surprised by the amount of posts we were doing on a daily basis, nevermind on a weekly basis. I suppose that’s how it is when you become a parent, lots of new things happening, lots of firsts all the time.
I hope we can continue to post on a regular basis so you can get an insight into how your childhood was and most importantly… how crazy your parents are 😀 So… it’s Friday morning and Mummy is in the shower, you’re sitting watching cartoons (I know it’s bad) and I’m slowly getting ready… however I saw an opportunity to accomplish something I’ve been trying for a while… I got it on your head without you noticing! I’m entertained by the smallest of things 😀