A Cold Wet Day In Hoorn

As yesterday we couldn’t spend my birthday doing something special, today we decided to go to Hoorn. Rain was predicted and rain is what we got 🙁 Oh… and one more thing, Hoorn is situated on the edge of a lake so we also got wind. When I got out the car to setup your buggy the rain was coming in sideways!! The town was pretty much deserted so we decided to find somewhere too eat… and sit out the rain!

Mummy treated me to, as they called it, a ‘Mensteak’. It was perfectly cooked and as a birthday dinner it was one of the best I’ve had in a while. You thoroughly enjoy the dessert, a shared assortment of desserts for 2 people… and child 😀

The rain stopped so we decided to quickly go get a picture of us by the lake. As you can see it’s rather windy still. This is the best picture I was able to take, in the others I took you can’t see Mummy’s face due to her hair 😀

You were so eager to go back home to the warmth of our house, and of course two boxes full of toys… you thought you would try to get a head start… Sorry little one, it’ll be a few years before your feet can reach the pedals 😀