A word of warning, there are no pictures of you on this page ‘Little One’ 🙂 This post is just a little update on your little friend… or should I say… little friends 😀 I wonder if, when you’re my age, whether you will still have a bunny next to your bed. I still have one of the first, if not the first, teddies I was bought. His name is ‘Old Ted’ and he lives next to my bed and before you ask… he’s off limits… I prefer him with limbs attached 😀
Anyway 🙂 You sleep with Bunny so Mummy thought it would be a good idea, as I think I mentioned in a previous post, that we send for some more. So no matter where you sleep, even in the UK, there’ll be a Bunny close by!
Basket Bunny (Creche) Bedtime Bunny (Day) Bedtime Bunny (Night) Box / Backup Bunny British Bunny (Grandma & Grandad)