Sleeping Beauty & A Mat For Your Booty

We didn’t have any plans so today was quite lazy for the 3 of us. We spent the morning visiting a possible new creche for you followed by a quick trip into the center for a bite to eat. You’re going through the stage where you don’t want to sleep, your brain is too active… however upon entering the car park you fell quiet!…

You soon woke up when you realized where we were and especially when we told you where we were heading 🙂 Toy store!!!!!! For us this was a very successful trip, we only spent 10 EUR on a new play mat 😀

Upon arriving home and before we setup your new play met, we left you to play for a bit on the floor. I watched as you took every toy from the box, look at it and then throw it away… At one point you got your hand stuck in the abacus which made you scream 🙁 As soon as you were freed the chaos continued!

And here is your new play mat in action. We hope this helps you learn to crawl quicker.