An Afternoon In Noordwijk

As the sun became a little too strong for even Mummy we decided to put on our walking shoes and explore the town center, first mission… find coffee 🙂

In a previous post we met ‘Bert & Ernie’ in Hoofddorp, remember? Well it seems they also decided to come to the beach to hangout, great minds think alike! I’m not sure what’s going through your head in the last picture… ‘help?’ 😀

After the slight detour we managed to find a nice cafe for a bite to eat and coffee. They insisted we could only use the child seat inside, which was slightly strange, did they think we would steal it? However things became a little clearer once we sat down inside and they brought it out. It’s a nice idea, especially for travelling, it might make it on the list of things to buy 🙂

Upon heading back to the car we were blocked by a ‘lorry parade’, that’s the best way to explain it 🙂 The noise was deafening and as we got closer we could see you were getting anxious, nearly crying! However you braved it up with some hugs from Mummy and we watched as over 100 trucks drove past… luckily we got there at around number 80, so we didn’t have to wait long 😀

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