Two Wheels Are Better Than None

Today marks another milestone for all of us 🙂 Living in the ‘Land Of The Bikes’ we took our first family cycle out together. Actually we took 2 trips as the first one was cut short by someone, not naming names, wanted to go to sleep and continually moaned… naughty Mummy 😀 I promised Mummy we’d cycle slowly but I could feel you wanted to go faster, our little speed demon!

The second time around was much more enjoyable, you clapped along with Mummy cycling by our side and made your usual ‘der da’ sounds 🙂 You loved looking at the passing scenery although it went a little fast and must of been slightly blurry for you. Mummy rang her bell to make you laugh and you even tried your hand at ringing mine. We cycled past some sheep on our way home however the cows weren’t out today.

Mummy and I can’t wait until you have a bike of your own… soon! 🙂 I know you weren’t smiling in any of the pictures, it was probably due to the fact you weren’t moving.

What’s In The Box?

A strange box suddenly appeared in the front room this morning, what ever could be inside? There seems to be some kind of winding mechanism on the side… when turned it plays a tune… You were very curious about the contents or was it just the bright colors that caught your attention?

I think the answer is to keep turning the handle to see what happens 🙂

OK… my devious plan to scare you didn’t exactly work as I had envisioned in my head, I think Mummy and I have already desensitized to being scared with all our practical jokes. We’re going to have to come up with something really original now 😀