Tickle Fight Round 2

After your last crushing defeat it seems you fancied your chances again 🙂 I won by a clear margin but who really was the winner here? You seemed to love every minute of it! I can’t wait until you watch these in the future and plan your revenge 😀 Go for Mummy, she’s an easier target and more susceptible to tickling 🙂

Trip To The Beach

Well, it wasn’t exactly the sea but there was a beach 🙂 Today all three of us went to Papa’s Beach House! We like this place as there’s plenty of scenery, places to walk, a nice playground and most importantly, somewhere to eat, yummy!

We enjoyed a quick coffee and dessert before heading back out to the park for one last swing. We’re looking into having grass put down in the back garden so in the near future, you’ll have a swing and slide at home 😀