
You got yet another new toy! Mummy saw this while out shopping today and she couldn’t say no 🙂

Maths time
So if we say 10 toys at an average ‘becoming bored time’ of 5 minutes per toy… that’s at least 50 minutes of play time guaranteed! Now we just need to work out your average ‘memory retention’ per toy to calculate how many more toys we need per rotation. Then taking into account your average ‘I never want to play with this toy again’…. OK… this is getting complicated… let’s just say you’re worth a 1000 toys!!! 😀

You learned very fast, even trying to put your activity cube block on top as well 🙂 Your one weak point is your feet, you kept kicking the tower over! I think it was a combination of a) your desire to kick & smash, and b) getting too excited… the energy has to go somewhere 🙂

A Sneak Peak Of What’s To Come

We had a week of blistering sun in which I complained… and your mother can testify to this, I complained a lot. Now when we have something special to do with you, it rains… and rains… 🙁 So we’ll just have to wait until the weather clears up, however here is a little sneak peak as to what’s in store for you.