It’s A Deal, You Sleep… I Sleep

Yes, you’re still in the ‘hell no, I’m not going to sleep’ stage. So you and I came up with a compromise, I’d rock you to sleep and you’d allow me to sleep for a bit as well. Mummy was the sneaky photographer this time 😀 I had to do this as we wanted to leave the house and we needed to sync up your sleeping schedule. And yes… it was extremely hot in there, especially with you on my lap!

Fort Thomas

When I was a kid, and like most children, I created many forts with chairs and sheets. As you’re a little too young to do this yourself we helped you a little 🙂 Mummy put you in the ‘naughty box’ for a bit… OK… it’s not really called that but it does look like a jail right? 🙂

After a while I decided to help you out a little and added a few more pillows to create a proper fort! Welcome to Fort Thomas 🙂 When you’re a little older Mummy and I will help you build the biggest castle for our little Princess.

Paddling In The Pool?… Bath?… No… Sink!

Mummy has a few rituals… like running after you when I’m taking you to bed… like playing with you in the mirror while she changes you after your bath. Another one is washing your hands and face under the tap after food. Today we couldn’t get the pool out so Mummy allowed you to have a quick paddle… in the sink 😀 As always you loved splashing around in the water!

I Found A Design Flaw

I can’t really blame the makers of the play mat as they never had a baby like you to test out their product 😀 However… I wonder if we could make some money with this. Companies pay us… in this case you… to test their products out to destruction 🙂 I’m sure there’s a business model there somewhere right?! From the expression on your face you were saying… ‘It just fell apart in my hands… honest guvnor!’ 🙂

Sleeping Beauty & A Mat For Your Booty

We didn’t have any plans so today was quite lazy for the 3 of us. We spent the morning visiting a possible new creche for you followed by a quick trip into the center for a bite to eat. You’re going through the stage where you don’t want to sleep, your brain is too active… however upon entering the car park you fell quiet!…

You soon woke up when you realized where we were and especially when we told you where we were heading 🙂 Toy store!!!!!! For us this was a very successful trip, we only spent 10 EUR on a new play mat 😀

Upon arriving home and before we setup your new play met, we left you to play for a bit on the floor. I watched as you took every toy from the box, look at it and then throw it away… At one point you got your hand stuck in the abacus which made you scream 🙁 As soon as you were freed the chaos continued!

And here is your new play mat in action. We hope this helps you learn to crawl quicker.

Happy Kids Celebration

This week Happy Kids are celebrating their 20 year anniversary with events being put on throughout the week. Today they had a musician come in to entertain the little ones 🙂 In every picture you stand out as the one having the most fun, as usual! We thought some of best pictures deserved their own post, for all the others you can find them in your August 2019 creche page.

A Lazy Sunday Morning

It’s Sunday morning and I’m looking after you, the early shift so to speak 🙂 Mummy is still in dreamland, dreaming of all the fun she’ll have with you when she wakes! After playing for a couple of hours we decided to have a chill, watch some cartoons and have a sing along together. What a way to start the day!

Is It Me Or Is The Room Spinning?

After another quick stop off in Noordwijk we stumbled upon a small shopping center that had a room full of rides and games for children. It would be rude to walk by and not take a look inside… so Mummy took her two children inside 😀

It was extremely hard to video you on the Merry Go Round, I had to keep walking backwards which in turn made me extremely dizzy! Mummy also got dizzy trying to keep up with the horses. In the end I jumped on the ride as well, this must of made an interesting video on the surveillance camera 😀

Bonus video:

An Afternoon In Noordwijk

As the sun became a little too strong for even Mummy we decided to put on our walking shoes and explore the town center, first mission… find coffee 🙂

In a previous post we met ‘Bert & Ernie’ in Hoofddorp, remember? Well it seems they also decided to come to the beach to hangout, great minds think alike! I’m not sure what’s going through your head in the last picture… ‘help?’ 😀

After the slight detour we managed to find a nice cafe for a bite to eat and coffee. They insisted we could only use the child seat inside, which was slightly strange, did they think we would steal it? However things became a little clearer once we sat down inside and they brought it out. It’s a nice idea, especially for travelling, it might make it on the list of things to buy 🙂

Upon heading back to the car we were blocked by a ‘lorry parade’, that’s the best way to explain it 🙂 The noise was deafening and as we got closer we could see you were getting anxious, nearly crying! However you braved it up with some hugs from Mummy and we watched as over 100 trucks drove past… luckily we got there at around number 80, so we didn’t have to wait long 😀

A Morning On The Beach

As it was another hot weekend here in The Netherlands we thought we’d go hang out in ‘Noordwijk aan Zee’ for the day. For the morning we decided to spend it on the beach, leaving at midday before it got too hot. You know what’s funny though? We spent more time today at the beach than we did in Spain at the beach 😀

The morning went perfectly! We arrived early and found a parking space straight away, beating the hordes before they arrived. We even found a nice secluded spot to setup camp. You enjoyed playing in the sand before having brunch and finally your mid-morning nap.

Mummy and I enjoyed some relaxing time in the sun while you were asleep before heading to explore the town center in the afternoon.

And Then There Were 4!

I’m going to borrow the tune of one of your favorite songs (10 little fishies) and change the lyrics a little:

2 little toothies sitting in your gum
Along came another 2… and then there were 4!
Brush them… brush them… make them all clean
That big old dentist will never get me!

When we first saw them I found it a little strange how they were poking out the front of the gum… I had to google some pictures to see if this was normal or not. My first reaction after seeing the pictures was ‘OMG… that’s freaky!!’. I’m sorry you have to go through this my ‘little one’, it’s just part of growing up I’m afraid 🙁 Just wait till you get spots!

Two Wheels Are Better Than None

Today marks another milestone for all of us 🙂 Living in the ‘Land Of The Bikes’ we took our first family cycle out together. Actually we took 2 trips as the first one was cut short by someone, not naming names, wanted to go to sleep and continually moaned… naughty Mummy 😀 I promised Mummy we’d cycle slowly but I could feel you wanted to go faster, our little speed demon!

The second time around was much more enjoyable, you clapped along with Mummy cycling by our side and made your usual ‘der da’ sounds 🙂 You loved looking at the passing scenery although it went a little fast and must of been slightly blurry for you. Mummy rang her bell to make you laugh and you even tried your hand at ringing mine. We cycled past some sheep on our way home however the cows weren’t out today.

Mummy and I can’t wait until you have a bike of your own… soon! 🙂 I know you weren’t smiling in any of the pictures, it was probably due to the fact you weren’t moving.

What’s In The Box?

A strange box suddenly appeared in the front room this morning, what ever could be inside? There seems to be some kind of winding mechanism on the side… when turned it plays a tune… You were very curious about the contents or was it just the bright colors that caught your attention?

I think the answer is to keep turning the handle to see what happens 🙂

OK… my devious plan to scare you didn’t exactly work as I had envisioned in my head, I think Mummy and I have already desensitized to being scared with all our practical jokes. We’re going to have to come up with something really original now 😀

Handschoenen of ‘Handsokken’

You have a habit of constantly grabbing your feet which in turn leads to you taking your socks off 🙂 You believe it’s a game as you’ve always got a huge smile on your face when you realize we noticed it! On, Off, On, Off… it’s a never ending battle and that’s how you like it!

So I thought to myself, how could I stop you from taking your socks off… and here was my rather Daddy like solution! It’s funny in a way as the Dutch word for gloves is ‘handschoenen’… which if you directly translate it… means ‘hand shoes’ 😀 You saw the funny side of it and so did Mummy!

Baby Likes To Bounce

Upon arriving at the creche this afternoon I think it was the first time I’ve seen you in the baby bouncer. When you heard my voice you started bouncing your little heart out! 😀 Normally I’d pick you up straight away but you were having so much fun, I let you play for a bit while I chatted to your carer, Teddy. I don’t think we’ll be buying you one of these for home, we’re hoping you’ll be crawling and then eventually walking in the near future.

The Mummy Returns

And no, I’m not talking about the movie staring Brendan Fraser 😀 Mummy is returning this afternoon so you have to make yourself look all pretty! Clean clothes, no drool and freshly brushed hair should do it 🙂

A little birdy told me that she might have bought you a present or two… I wonder if I’ll get something too?!?!

Welcome Home Mummy! Thanks for the presents! 🙂 They should keep me occupied for a long time.

What Did We Learn Today?

Today we learnt two new things, the first being how to share your food! The thing you have to remember about me is that there is no such thing as a small bite… I don’t know the word nibble 😀 I tried this again with a crisp, you’d take a bite, let me have a bite and repeat until it was gone… such a good little girl!

The second thing I tried to teach you was ‘No’ in combination of shaking your head. Unfortunately I don’t think you know the concept of what No actually means 😀 Small steps right? And if you didn’t catch it in the video, ‘No Cartoons!’

Home Alone 3: The Explorers

This was our first full day together alone! Unfortunately the weather and your sleeping schedule weren’t great… but we had a fun day together. I don’t think I spent so much time on the floor in a while. However we made up for the lack of exercise in the morning with a 2 HOUR walk in the afternoon, well… I walked 🙂 It took you a good hour to fall asleep under the curtain and I wanted you to sleep for a while… so we went exploring.

Home Alone 2: Lost in Hoofddorp

While you were at creche Daddy was busy at home on his todo list and one of those tasks was for you. I’ve even installed a phone holder just in case you get bored on our journey 🙂 Our first trip is planned for next Wednesday!

In the evening I took you for a walk to the shop and then onto the local park. Unfortunately there weren’t any other children there to amuse you, however we had a great time on the swing!

Home Alone

Mummy has just taken off from Schiphol airport, bound for Bucharest for the weekend. This means it’s just the two of us and as I’m the oldest, I’m in charge 😀 Not that it’s any different when Mummy is here… right? 😀 So the following is proof the house is still standing and we’re OK!