A bag like no other…

Today you received your first bag… yay! Now you’re thinking… what kind of bag did Mummy get me? Louis Vuitton? Michael Kors? Mango?!?! Yes, you guessed correctly!

As you can see by your nose, you’re still a little sick

And as a bonus I tried to teach you how to fly! I managed to dodge a few drops of drool but you hit me quite a few times! My little drooler!

Mummy & Daddy

A high pressure incident

Tonight we, OK… Mummy had an incident which resulted in you getting a little wet, not Daddy this time! It seems Mummy proved the following formula:

Warm milk in bottle + Shaking = High pressure volatile warm milk

In all honestly you were too concerned about drinking it to even notice… even when it started to run down your face. Let’s hope you don’t develop a fear / distaste of milk like Mummy…. you should ask her about the cow incident when she was young 😀



While playing with Daddy you showed him your new party trick. The one where you rip a piece of paper up many times and magically it fixes itself. However the ending didn’t go as planned… you haven’t perfected that bit just yet 🙂 It’s lucky Daddy didn’t give you a 50 EUR note to try it with! 😀

1st Part: 10/10…2nd Part: Needs work 🙂


To Broccoli or not to Broccoli… that is the question

I know it’s your birthday but I did mention you should learn or experience something new everyday, how about broccoli?

You were very hesitant, wondering if you should eat it or play with it. Normally you try to eat anything we put near your mouth, but not the broccoli it seems 😀 After a few sniffs and licks your face says it all!!!!

In the end, as per usual, you ended up stuffing your face with a biscuit!

Baby steps right?! Don’t worry, we’ll try this again in the future so you’ll become accustomed to the taste. We want you to grow up to be a fit & healthy child!

The Next Van Gogh

Here you are adding to your repertoire of skills, painting with your hands. Looks like you had a lot of fun today at creche on your birthday. I’ll have to try and convince Mummy to do some finger painting at home, washable paints of course 😀

The resulting masterpiece is currently hanging on the wall of Happy Kids!

Great work!


1..2..3..4..5..6..7…..8 Months Old!!!

Happy Birthday!! La Multi Ani!! Gefeliciteerd!!

We can’t believe it! It only seems like only yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital for the first time. It’s unbelievable how much you’ve grown since then. I (Daddy) have been back dating the website so we’ve been watching all the old videos, we can’t believe you were so small!

You’ve achieved so much over the last 8 months, bringing so much love into our hearts, we couldn’t imagine our lives without you. Every day you learn something, see and experience something new. All of these things are slowly shaping you into the toddler, child, teenager and eventual woman you’ll become. This journey won’t be easy but one thing you should always know, Mummy & Daddy will always be there for you:

  • To pick you up when you fall
  • To wipe away your tears and comfort you when you’re upset
  • To love, guide and support you whenever you need
You got the keys… all you need is the car 🙂

Mummy & Daddy

You get the car when you’re 18 🙂