Enjoy It While It Lasts

We’re fully taking advantage of the hot weather here and using the pool whenever possible. Tonight was no different and we had an enjoyable evening splashing around!

We were in there so long your little feet pruned / wrinkled up 😀 They looked so cute!


An Unconventional Method

With all this hot weather it’s important that you take lot of fluids in i.e. water. However when it comes to actually drinking water it’s hard to get you to do so 🙂 I thought it would be good to think outside the box and try other ways! 🙂

It is possible to get you to drink 20-30 ml of water, it’s just a matter of getting you in the right mood I guess 😀


Once upon a time…

Good news little one, your new books arrived today from Amazon. So for those nights when you refuse to go to sleep we have plenty of stories to tell and picture to show you 🙂 They have all the classics… ‘Cinderella’, ‘Beauty & The Beast’, ‘Jack & The Bean Stalk’, ‘The Frog Princess’ etc.. There’s even a book with a different short story for EVERY day of the year. I’m sure you’re going to love looking at the pictures! 🙂


The Great Escape

This morning I woke to some strange noises coming from your crib. Usually this is normal as you like to giggle and stomp your feet on the mattress. However this noise was different and I had to investigate. It all became clear when I approached your crib and saw the startled look on your face, you’d just been caught trying to escape!

It seems you didn’t want to wait for me to pick you up 🙂 I didn’t find a nail file in there so I’m not sure how you intended on getting through the bars 😀 Your escape attempt soon failed as you got stuck sideways… and that’s when you started crying… better luck next time little one!
