Daddy’s Going Hunting

Today I went hunting for the rare ‘Giggler’. She’s never been captured on film before in the wild however I managed to grab a rare glimpse. I thought I was quiet but somehow she managed to spot me! I believe the head motions made were a warning… I quickly retreated!


Our Little Monkey

Well, you know what they say right… 4 hands are better than 2? 🙂 When you were smaller and even now sometimes, you liked to climb all over us. You really looked and acted like a little monkey in our arms. We also love to watch how you use your feet, reaching to grab things and pass them to your hands.

You’re very flexible, I guess all babies are at your age. Not being able to touch my toes without bending my knees makes it hard to imagine that I was able to do this as well 😀 You’re so flexible you also love to eat your feet….


Baby Gym

I was thinking about my earlier post and how I might have been hindering you a little with learning to crawl 🙁 So I looked up what exercises we can do together to help you a little more. These were rocking in the crawling position and baby push ups 🙂

From this day forward we’ll be doing these every night together… preferably not straight after food… you’ve probably seen the video where I made you vomit by mistake 😀

I’m still perfecting the routine but it’ll go something like this, except the face plant at the end 😀
