Summer Holiday – Slowly Drawing To A Close

Why do all good things have to end? 🙁 Only a few more days to go. Mummy was just saying she’d like to stay another week and do just nothing 🙂 This afternoon we had no plans so window shopping it was on the way back to the apartment. We did however buy you another gift… just like your personalized top we got you a bag to go with it!

You can use it to take your things to Creche next year 🙂

For our evening meal we headed back to a local bar where we enjoyed the Tapas, you did your usual brilliant job of helping Mummy decide what to have 🙂 Not only do you twist your feet while concentrating, you also stick out your tongue!

Mummy gave you some Mozzarella to try and believe me, it was much harder than it sounds! Slippery cheese going into a slobbery mouth, what could go wrong? 😀

In the end you pretty much told Mummy what you thought about being given Mozzarella… the look says it all!

And we broke another record tonight, the amount of tissues used throughout one meal. Your second tooth is nearly here so you can imagine the amount of drool coming out your mouth! It’s like a torrent at times!


Summer Holiday – And after all, you’re my ‘water-wall’

No, I’m not singing Wonderwall by Oasis… and yes Emily… I can hear you saying ‘Who are Oasis Daddy?’… I asked the same thing when my Dad mentioned ‘Dire Straits’ once. Today was a rather relaxing day, something I’ve said many times this holiday 😀

We stopped off at a local cafe to get out of the midday sun, a quick bite to eat. You took a liking to the water wall they had going next to us, so much so that when I took you away you screamed and flapped around in my arms 😀

So cute! And if you didn’t know, the dress you were in was Italian 🙂 Mummy reminded me of that a few times 🙂

After the cafe we once again put the sun shade on to tempt you to sleep… you did your usual Alien impression 🙂 A movie reference which when you’re 18+ will be known as an all time classic? 😀
