Congratulations Bunny

For his continued dedicated in the pursuit of comforting I’m hereby announcing the promotion of Bunny to ‘Sleeping Companion’. Since being given to Emily by Grandad at Easter he has shown all the qualities expected of a great companion. He has never given up through think and thin… i.e. nearly having his arm ripped off.

To help with his existing duties (Travel Companion) and due to the fact Emily sleeps in 3 locations, I’m creating ‘Team Hopscotch’. Led by Bunny this team will be responsible for ensuring that Emily feels safe and warm inside.

Good luck Bunny & Bunnies!

Summer Holiday – Rain Rain Go Away!

OK, we didn’t quite make it to the lighthouse today 🙁 One thing you’ll soon learn is, as I mentioned in my previous post, Mummy & Daddy are logistically challenged 😀 And as soon as we were preparing to leave… the rain came! Our 3rd rain day in Spain! However this time we were prepared!!

You loved it behind the rain cover, kicking and screaming your little heart out! Within an hour or so the rain stopped and we were able to stop for a nice (ish) meal out. Mummy really got into the swing of things and cleared up the plates on our table. She did so much of a good job a Scottish family asked her for a table of 4! LOL… Poor Mummy had to tell them she didn’t work there 😀

And as you were in such a good mood tonight by being happy, playing and extremely talkative, Mummy decided to treat you to a doll with my wallet 🙂 In the end you didn’t pick a doll… after a few minutes having even ignored Unicorns, you grabbed a pink bear 🙂

You were expecting food… not a picture to be taken… hence the face 🙂


Summer Holiday – Charlie bit my finger

This morning we had some Father Daughter time where I explained some very important things about boys. No matter how much they try to impress you, like Niko inhaling his food at creche, you should be careful! Don’t fall for his charms! 😀 However if you see he also has a bank account… or he offers you full fat milk… there might be something there 🙂

I think you welcomed my advice until you suddenly grabbed by thumb and bit me 🙁 So much so that it left a mark!

Summer Holiday – High Five!

In the past you would settle for playing with the same toys, doing the same things over and over… now it’s getting harder as you constantly want new stimuli. So this morning I decided to teach you have to ‘High Five’ 🙂 For the whole day every time I held my hand up in front of you, you’d smile, laugh and try to grab it 😀

So now you have two ways of greeting people, a High Five or a kiss on the lips 😀
