We aimed for something quieter today, sleep in.. nearly impossible with you however we did manage 7 AM this morning. Then we’d hit the beach as we’re in Spain, it would be rude not to 🙂 The most important thing for a baby at the beach is sun protection, we had a lot of fun putting that on as you can see below 😀
We only stayed an hour as we were running late, we didn’t want to stay out in the sun between 1 and 4 as it’s too strong. As you can see it was a beautiful clear day.
We bought you a little pool to play in along with some toys for the sand, these kept you busy until the tiredness and hunger set it. In the short time we were there we played in the pool, dug some holes… I tried to bury your feet… Mummy had a sunbathe and I had a quick dip in the sea.
And most important of all…. I built you 2 sand castles 😀
Then a big giant came and stomped all over them, leaving a trail of destruction behind her 😀 You and your big feet! 🙂
In the evening we went out for a nice Tapas meal, unfortunately they didn’t have a child seat so you had to stay in your push chair. Mummy did take you on her knee though so at least you could pick what you wanted to eat 🙂
On the way back to the apartments we tried to put you to sleep behind the sunshade, this resulted in some very entertaining results! We’re trying to teach you to fall asleep behind it so we don’t always have to rush back to the apartment…. as you can see it’s a work in progress 😀
Then in the evening we cooled down by having another dip in the pool. As promised Mummy bought you a ball to play with in the pool! Every time you tried to grab it the ball floated off… we had a lot of fun chasing it around the pool splashing 😀 I also tried to teach you to swim, you’re really getting better at it every day! We’re going to have to sign you up for swimming lessons when we’re back home.
Here are some pictures of you in your cute body towel Mummy bought you.