Summer Holiday – A day of water

Today was action packed, your first dip in a proper pool, shopping in a thunder storm and another evening meal out. After seeing the weather had cleared up a bit from the previous day Mummy came up with the idea of nipping down to the pool for a quick swim. I’d been looking forward to this since we booked the holiday so I jumped at the chance.

Mummy prepared your swimming diaper along with your new swimming outfit, nice and snug… to make you more streamlined for swimming 😀

You took to the water like… well… a duck to water 😀 The water could’ve been a little warmer however you didn’t complain, you loved to splash and funnily enough… drink the water. This wouldn’t of been too bad except the fact that it was actually a salt water pool 😀 We even met another baby in the pool, Noah, she was only 3 days younger than you!

In the afternoon we decided to stay in Calella and walk around the town a bit, do some sightseeing… or in our case, shopping 😀 We bought you a personalized gift which you loved, especially the colour!

Suddenly the heavens opened and we were caught in a freak rain storm, luckily we were in a shop at the time however we were now stuck. We occupied ourselves looking around, chatting and Mummy showed off how she’s now taught you how to kiss 🙂

You always want to give a kiss however Mummy takes several more 😀

Do you remember on your 8 month birthday we bought you the keys to a car? Well, we finally presented you with the car and you were a natural. Unfortunately it seems you were over the milk limit for driving so we had to give it up, better to wait till your 18 right? 😀

The rain cleared up and we went on our way, not by foot, but by the road train! It wasn’t as exciting as it was made out to be… we saw traffic, houses & occasionally the sea in the distance 🙂

For our evening meal we tried a Uruguayan restaurant, you had fruit 🙂 We had a lovely and relaxing time with most of Mummy’s bread going on the floor to attract pigeons, you liked to look at them, plus it kept you quiet 😀 Being your usual bubbly self you managed to make some friends there, 2 little kids were caught by your charms.


Summer Holiday – My 2 Sweethearts

As soon as I saw the flowers I knew I wanted a picture there. Not of me though, but of my 2 sweeties…. which reminds me I’m going to have to come up with a new nickname for you as Mummy is sweetie. I’m thinking Sweat-pea… Little One… Flower… Peach? Anyway, plenty of time for that, back to the picture!

So damn cute!
