Summer Holiday – Welcome to Callela

You’d expect a summer holiday in Spain to contain a lot of sun, however we were welcomed to Calella by rain and a thunderstorm 🙁 Not the best start to the holiday, especially since the rain made it so humid, you were so sticky, making you very uncomfortable and slightly irritable 🙁 I made a small video to highlight the weather we were greeted with:

In the morning I discovered that you’ve learnt to recognize the packet of crisps we’ve been giving you lately, watching your face light up is a sight to behold, so cute:

Today was a relaxing day, walking around Calella and doing a grocery run… got to make sure we have enough diapers and baby food right? In the evening we decided to go out for a meal, a chance to dress our sweetie up! Skirt & panties to match 😀

To say the city has a few tourist shops is an understatement, there’s one every few meters, all selling the same stuff. If you ever want your hair braided this would also be the place to come, they’re on every street corner. We stopped off in one and Mummy bought you a present, unlike Bunny this one has no arms that can be pulled off 😀

We had enjoyable evening together, however I can’t say the same about the food though 😀 Mummy decided to try the Seafood Paella… something she later regretted after a few bites, Lol. I decided to go for the ribs but they turned about rather plain, luckily I had some chips to go along with them… even though you pinched a few 😀

Tomorrow we’re going to see if we can go in the pool, weather permitting of course. We also saw a cute train driving around the city which we’d like to go on together, I’m sure you’ll love it!


I love to take pictures together so here are a couple from the morning.. plus I like to play around with my phone settings 😀

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