This morning I walked over to your crib and was surprised to see a big butt looking up at me 😀 When you don’t have your sleeping bag on you have a tendency to try and flip over, however this was the first time you’ve slept on your stomach. I called Mummy over to take a look while I woke you up, the first thing you saw were our faces, hence the big smile on yours!
We’ve just started eating together at home as a family and today Mummy found a new game to play 🙂 After 3 or 4 of these Mummy was tired, however you could probably do this all night! It was a fun little game, one we’ll try to do more often as part of our evening meal 🙂
Normally a trip to KFC wouldn’t be… how do you say it… glamorous. However this time you got to try out another type of baby chair, a more expensive Stokke one 🙂 It makes a change from the usual IKEA one you normally see everywhere!
We had a lovely meal, you ate a few pufuleti this time 🙂 Personally I think the chair is overrated, for you as long as you’re comfy… and there’s food… you couldn’t care less 😀
We stopped by the park while out on one of our walks, you’ve been here before when you were a little smaller. You probably remember the pictures of you and Mummy on the slide. I took you on the swing for short time, it seems the swinging back and to doesn’t agree with my inner ear… I got a little dizzy 😀
We can’t wait till you’re big enough to play on these by yourself, obviously with Mummy & Daddy very close by… giving you a push every now and then 🙂
You played the rattle, I played the bells and provided the vocals. However you decided you could sing better… to be honest it doesn’t take much as I’m tone deaf 😀 Your ‘vocals’ were much better and entertaining!
I haven’t checked the Guinness Book Of Records yet however this goes down as a personal record 🙂 You had just finished eating your breakfast so I gave you a pufuleti as a reward. However after a minute I turned back to you and it was gone! I couldn’t believe it! So like any normal parent I got you another one and video taped it 😀
With no air conditioning or fans in the house this weather is making things rather uncomfortable 🙁 While shopping in AH Mummy saw a children’s fan so at least we can try to keep you cool. However the only thing cool was the look, as it didn’t generate any air… but what do you expect for a foam fan? 🙂 You loved it so that’s all that matters!
I think you were more interested in the sweets in the bottom 🙂 I have to admit I ate all of those! I was doing you a favor… saving your brand new teeth 😀
We’re fully taking advantage of the hot weather here and using the pool whenever possible. Tonight was no different and we had an enjoyable evening splashing around!
We were in there so long your little feet pruned / wrinkled up 😀 They looked so cute!
With all this hot weather it’s important that you take lot of fluids in i.e. water. However when it comes to actually drinking water it’s hard to get you to do so 🙂 I thought it would be good to think outside the box and try other ways! 🙂
It is possible to get you to drink 20-30 ml of water, it’s just a matter of getting you in the right mood I guess 😀
Good news little one, your new books arrived today from Amazon. So for those nights when you refuse to go to sleep we have plenty of stories to tell and picture to show you 🙂 They have all the classics… ‘Cinderella’, ‘Beauty & The Beast’, ‘Jack & The Bean Stalk’, ‘The Frog Princess’ etc.. There’s even a book with a different short story for EVERY day of the year. I’m sure you’re going to love looking at the pictures! 🙂
This morning I woke to some strange noises coming from your crib. Usually this is normal as you like to giggle and stomp your feet on the mattress. However this noise was different and I had to investigate. It all became clear when I approached your crib and saw the startled look on your face, you’d just been caught trying to escape!
It seems you didn’t want to wait for me to pick you up 🙂 I didn’t find a nail file in there so I’m not sure how you intended on getting through the bars 😀 Your escape attempt soon failed as you got stuck sideways… and that’s when you started crying… better luck next time little one!
We were all off work on a very hot Wednesday… so we took a trip to the beach 🙂 Upon our arrival we sat down for something to eat, you’d just woken up all sweaty from being behind curtain… you poor thing!
We didn’t actually go in the sea, it was extremely busy. The thing you have to remember about the North Sea is… it’s damn cold… even when hot outside 🙂 We took a few quick snaps before a walk around and then another bite to eat.
Mummy can never resist buying you something and when we came across a market stall full of handmade toys… she had to buy you a couple 😀
We picked a pirate themed restaurant where you had a lot of fun! There was a lot for you to look at and I took you around to see it all. You had major reservations about the pirate statues, even though I showed you they weren’t real. You’d reach out to grab them and at the last minute pull your arm back 🙂 I wonder what you’d make of Madame Tussauds 😀
We bought you a new Doll and Bunny. Can you guess what kept you busy all the way home?… Yes… the blue & white bag they came in 😀
I know it’s not the same as Spain, however you still loved getting back into the ‘Pool’ again! We’re having some crazy weather here as it’s incredibly hot, reaching 37/38 in parts. We thought you deserved some water time as we know how much you enjoy it. It’s just a shame we can’t join you to enable you to swim around. Hopefully we can start to visit the local pools this year and in the near future, swimming lessons 🙂
You had a great time! I even brought you the ball you played with in Spain 🙂
One of things we miss most as you grow up is your tendency to fall asleep in our arms, lying across our chest with your head on our shoulder. However occasionally it happens when you’re very tired, like tonight! I managed to grab a few snaps 🙂
Here you are an hour or so later with Bunny in bed 🙂 So cute together!
Today I went hunting for the rare ‘Giggler’. She’s never been captured on film before in the wild however I managed to grab a rare glimpse. I thought I was quiet but somehow she managed to spot me! I believe the head motions made were a warning… I quickly retreated!
Well, you know what they say right… 4 hands are better than 2? 🙂 When you were smaller and even now sometimes, you liked to climb all over us. You really looked and acted like a little monkey in our arms. We also love to watch how you use your feet, reaching to grab things and pass them to your hands.
You’re very flexible, I guess all babies are at your age. Not being able to touch my toes without bending my knees makes it hard to imagine that I was able to do this as well 😀 You’re so flexible you also love to eat your feet….
I was thinking about my earlier post and how I might have been hindering you a little with learning to crawl 🙁 So I looked up what exercises we can do together to help you a little more. These were rocking in the crawling position and baby push ups 🙂
From this day forward we’ll be doing these every night together… preferably not straight after food… you’ve probably seen the video where I made you vomit by mistake 😀
I’m still perfecting the routine but it’ll go something like this, except the face plant at the end 😀
I’ve watched this video a few times and I’m now wondering if I was helping or hindering you 🙂 Either way you’re making huge leaps in your goal to crawl. You’re now beginning to push with both your arms and legs… just not at the same time 😀 Mummy wants to buy you a ‘baby walker’ however we’re still not sure yet… better let you crawl first. She can’t wait for you to walk so she can chase you around the house 🙂
Our little crazy, you love your food… especially your 10 AM rice pudding! Yesterday I took plenty of pictures however this morning I wanted to get a more interactive encounter 🙂 You didn’t fail to deliver!
You’ll never guess what you had for breakfast this morning… well… brunch…
OK OK… I’m kidding, I know you’re half English but you’re still a little young for this. We have to wait until you’re at least 1 right? 😀 No, today you had Rijstebloem, a sort of rice pudding for infants, you loved it! As you can see 🙂
And do you remember back in June I posted about your love for Pufuleti? (Hungry Hippo). Look what Mummy bought you! They’re massive!!!!!!