This evening we took a stroll around Hoofddorp and stopped at a local playground, you and Mummy had a lot of fun trying out all the activities that it had to offer! Obviously you’re a little too young to enjoy it fully but I think you had some fun, especially the slide.
When you’re older we’re going to take you to many theme parks and outside adventure areas.
Congratulations sweetie! Your first tooth has finally arrived… I say finally as Daddy was a little impatient for it to come through. He’ll regret the fact you’re growing up so fast as the last 7 months seems to have flown by!
Mummy and Daddy struggled to get a good picture as you didn’t want to open your mouth, and when you did you always stuck your tongue out. There’s plenty of time to get more pictures once it’s grown a little more.
With a closer look you can clearly see it, poking through a little more each day. We’re going to have to be extra careful now when putting bread in your mouth, you can now bite!
This weekend we’re going to buy you some toothpaste and a little brush to keep it all nice and clean. It’s your first tooth and you/we need to look after it. I’m sure once you learn about the ‘tooth fairy’ you won’t be able to wait until it’s out… but we have a few more years till that happens.