A slight case of Insomnia

You’ve probably heard us mention it before that the one thing we’ve struggled with is putting you to bed. You’re the cutest, smartest & happiest baby ever but Mommy and Daddy have to pick straws to see who’ll put you to bed!!…. Ok, it’s not that bad however it does lead to some amusing moments, like the one below.

You could sense that Daddy wanted an early night, however you had other ideas 🙂 Instead of being read a bedtime story, you gave one to us. It sounded very exciting as you were very expressive, probably involving unicorns 🙂 You eventually fell asleep an hour or so after heading to bed… we’ve experienced worse.


Bunny ‘Boo Boo’

Poor Bunny, he seems to have suffered a shoulder injury. I managed to create him a sling to help hold his arm up but I’m afraid he’s going to need surgery 🙁

As he’s your most trusted travel companion I hope to have him up and ready before our trip to Spain next weekend. He wouldn’t tell me how it happened, probably slipped in the shower or something. I gave him the recommendation to stay away from little children who tend to swing things around by their arms….. oh wait…. now I understand 🙂


Clean those Pearly Whites

Well, in your case Emily this should be ‘Pearly White’ as you only have the one tooth 🙂 Nevertheless, no matter how many teeth you have they need cleaning. Mummy bought you a pretty little toothbrush and lekker toothpaste. Her first reaction when trying it was ‘OMG, I could eat this on bread…’. I have to admit it was tasty 🙂 Makes sense in order to get kids to use it.

Can you hear the enjoyment in your voice? Or maybe it was ‘what are you crazy people doing to me now?’

Hungry, Hungry Hippo

So you’ve really grown to love the Pufuleti / Wotsit’s we’ve been giving as part of your evening meal, once the food is finished you eagerly wait for one… or two if you’re lucky!

It’s amazing to see how you’ve developed over the last few weeks, going from having to be fed to playing with them and eventually, feeding yourself. It’s extremely fun to watch, especially when you end up eating your fingers instead of them.

As you can see from the video below, you’re making leaps and bounds!


Summer time is here!!!!!!

It’s official, it’s hot… too hot! One thing you’ll learn over the next few years is Mummy loves the heat, well beach…. Daddy not so much 🙂 In the run up to our Spanish holiday we thought we’d also try out a pool in the back garden, take advantage of the hot weather, Mummy picked this paddling pool out for you!

We had a lot of fun splashing around in the pool. Luckily Daddy was trying out his new swimming trunks so getting wet was not a problem!

Here’s to more sunny days, specifically our summer holiday in Spain! Y viva España


Yummy Pufuleti

Mummy bought you some crisps! In English you’d call these Wotsit’s and in Romania Pufuleti. You loved them however you sometimes had difficultly finding your mouth, your hand, eye and mouth coordination needs some work 🙂

We’ll be posting more pictures and videos on your eating habits in the future so you can see you development. I’m personally waiting for the moment I hear a ‘crunch’ when you eat one, putting those teeth (tooth at the moment), to good use. Mummy has been on the receiving end of that little white nub you have currently, god help us when you have a full set of gnashers! Well, one of your favourite songs at the moment is ‘Baby Shark’ 🙂


Father Daughter time = Adventure

This evening Mummy went out and left us to some Father Daughter time… can you guess what’s coming next? Expecting chaos and explosions!?!?! Nah, we had a great time, see for yourself.

We played ‘are you looking at me?’

We said ‘hi Mummy’

We played ‘choo choo train’ while eating.. and yes.. I wiped your nose afterwards

Ok I lied a little, the night had a small disaster when I managed to flood the bathroom and soak both of us while preparing your bath. Unlike a normal person I didn’t sit you in your little chair while trying to fill the bath. While holding you I dropped the shower head into the bath face up!!! It started to spray the whole room… and then panic set in.

Instinctively I ran to stop the water but with you in my arms I had no chance! Retreating backwards I saw how much water was spraying into the room, panic’d again, forgot I was holding you and ran back towards the water, spraying both of us again. Having learnt my lesson I put you on the carpet and then stopped the water… you got a little wet 🙁

You found the funny side of it and lay there laughing and making farting noises while I cleaned up. So many lessons learned, so much fun had, the joys of parenthood right?


Playtime in the park

This evening we took a stroll around Hoofddorp and stopped at a local playground, you and Mummy had a lot of fun trying out all the activities that it had to offer! Obviously you’re a little too young to enjoy it fully but I think you had some fun, especially the slide.

When you’re older we’re going to take you to many theme parks and outside adventure areas.


BREAKING NEWS: The tooth has erupted!

Congratulations sweetie! Your first tooth has finally arrived… I say finally as Daddy was a little impatient for it to come through. He’ll regret the fact you’re growing up so fast as the last 7 months seems to have flown by!

Mummy and Daddy struggled to get a good picture as you didn’t want to open your mouth, and when you did you always stuck your tongue out. There’s plenty of time to get more pictures once it’s grown a little more.

With a closer look you can clearly see it, poking through a little more each day. We’re going to have to be extra careful now when putting bread in your mouth, you can now bite!

This weekend we’re going to buy you some toothpaste and a little brush to keep it all nice and clean. It’s your first tooth and you/we need to look after it. I’m sure once you learn about the ‘tooth fairy’ you won’t be able to wait until it’s out… but we have a few more years till that happens.


Happy Fathers Day

It’s a strange feeling, to wish your father Happy Father’s day and to also be wished Happy Father’s Day. Thank you very much for the presents, the ones that Mummy helped you buy and the one you made!

We noticed one day that you came home with paint on your feet and it all became clear once we saw the gift on Fathers Day.

You made me a money box decorated with your footprints in paint. No money, however it was filled with Drop/ liquorice 🙂 Thanks sweetie.

I can’t wait until you can wish me Happy Father’s Day… and maybe cook me a nice breakfast… in bed of course 🙂


Smudges galore

You love to touch everything and recently you’ve developed a fascination with Daddy’s glasses. It looks like Daddy is going to have to bulk buy glasses cleaner, either that or get contact lenses 🙂

I’m also very reluctant to grow my beard longer, it’s getting quite painful when you grab a big handful of it!


Italy (4) – More memories

As a continuation of our Italian holiday, here are the rest of the snaps

You’re a very social baby, waving and smiling at everyone, even if they don’t make eye contact with you. This leads to many occasions where complete strangers are talking and interacting with you. This also leads to many awkward moments, like on the flight back when you tried to grab everyone’s hair as they walked past. A poor woman also got her lip grabbed as she walked within your reach 🙂 But don’t worry, she saw the funny side of it

Here is an example of one of the friends you made on your Italian holiday:


Italy (3) – Fun in the sun

Having landed in Milan we made our way to our final destination, an apartment on the edge of Lake Como. There were many tunnels along the route and we had so much fun watching your face as we went into each. After a while it started to annoy you, going from light to dark and then light again… however the journey was short and the result rewarding!

The weather on the first day was amazing! We enjoyed relaxing in the garden before travelling out to some local landmarks. You loved the sun, especially since you could keep your eyes open this time… they’re not ‘Ray-Bans’ but they do the job!

And here we are together in 1962 style, snapped in a local Italian supermarket 🙂

We look forward to our summer holiday in Barcelona, many more days in the sun to enjoy together.


Italy (2) – Travel

Our journey begins with a trip to the airport to catch our KLM flight to Milan, we couldn’t resist filming you when entering the tunnel, we love to see your eyes go big!

You’ll be travelling in style this time, in your brand new buggy! Judging by your position you’re one chilled baby, totally relaxed.

The flight tired you out a lot, sleeping on Mummy then eventually in Daddy’s arms… trying to make sure your head wasn’t hit every minute by someone walking up and down the aisle.


Italy (1) – Preparation

So this June we decided to take a long weekend away to Lake Como in Italy. Another country to add to your ever increasing list of visited countries, you are a well traveled baby!

Daddy likes to save money and with the help of Mummy we devised a plan for when we eventually have to pay for your seat on the plane.


Buy one & get one free

So here we were walking through Baby-Dump and we saw the best deal ever! Buy a baby walker and get a baby for FREE!!!

We um’d and ah’d about it but eventually we decided to go for it 🙂 Don’t worry sweetie, we’ll be getting you one of these in the future. I can’t wait to see you zooming around the garden.


Crazy shopping

NEWS JUST IN! Crazy goes crazy in Albert Heijn… until she see’s the camera and then it’s like nothing happened.

The general public has been warned not to approach said baby. Risks include:

  • Being waved at constantly
  • Being drooled on
  • Being subject to uncontrolled flatulence
  • Being hypnotized by cuteness, resulting in the urge to kiss said baby
  • Being bombarded by high pitch screams followed by laughter
