A strong right foot

Ok, it’s a volleyball, not a football… but that doesn’t alter the fact you have one strong right foot…. let’s hope you don’t develop a strong right hook as well 🙂


Hide and go seek

So you’re a little young at the moment to actually go hide, but I think once you do you’re going to make a great hider!


Let’s take a closer look shall we?


Splish splash I was taking a bath

In preparation for July we got you a present. Plus we also know how much you like to play in the tub.

You managed to drench poor Mummy, she was standing too close when your feet started to kick. Rows 1-3 come with a warning…. ‘You will get wet’.


The attack…. of the killer piggies!

We found the one thing that when seen sends shivers down your spine. When heard sends you into bursts of tears! What is it? Piggy!!!

I’m sure over time you’ll get used to the noise, either that or you’ll grow up to be a vegetarian.


Our little fatty

So today you’re off to visit the doctor again, don’t worry, no needles this time… you have another 2.5 months till the next one. You’re growing well, Mummy expected you to be around 8 KG but you weighed in at around 7.6.

We stretched you out to a whopping 69 CM!

Soon we’ll be measuring you on the wall standing up! We can’t wait.


Feed me!

We sometimes call you ‘crazy’ and what’s best for a crazy person? A straitjacket!

Ok, it’s not exactly a straitjacket but it does help you keep clean, and makes our life a lot easier! Here it is in action:


Bath time = Fun time

You’re no longer lying down in the bath, you love to sit and play with all your duckies and friends! As you also like to kick we’ve had to create a ‘splash zone’ around your tub. I thin you’re going to love going to Barcelona in July.


Old McDonald had a farm… E-I-E-I-O

Today we took our first visit to the Hoofddorp children’s farm. There we saw Chickens, Goats, Rabbits, Ducks, Peacocks & a Donkey! You were asleep for the first part but once awake you thoroughly enjoyed yourself.

Here are some of the animals we saw throughout our visit:

My little chubby

Chubby babies are cute babies 😀 And you’re a little chubby at the moment… mega cute! Skinny, normal or chubby… you’ll always be a cutie, so much so that Daddy can’t stop taking pictures. Mummy is always saying that she wants to bite your cheeks and legs… in fact she does this a lot which makes you laugh!

Here are some pictures of you in your cute little booties!


You treat me…. and I’ll treat you

Today I was lucky enough to receive a massage from you, a proper Indian head massage 🙂 It was great until you started to play with my glasses 🙂 We should make this a weekly thing!

Thanks, it was great!

So for being such a good girl I sang to you 🙂 I don’t have a singing voice so you’ll have to ignore that 🙂 But you loved it anyway. Notice your feet twisting around and around? It’s something you do while watching cartoons or listening to music, it’s cute!


A game of thrones…

Who’s going to sit on the Iron Throne, that’s the big question at the moment… is this case, who’s going to sit on the Plastic Throne?? That would be Emily!!!!

All welcome Princess Emily, looking so proud in your brand new table/chair.


IKEA bound

It’s Sunday so we took a trip to IKEA for some hot dogs… oh… and maybe something for the house 😀 Mummy loves the hot dogs there and Daddy is fond of the meatballs 🙂 We decided to carry you around to make our life a little easier, you loved it of course and I couldn’t stop taking selfies 🙂

We bought and gave you some IKEA biscuits as you really wanted to eat my hot dog. It’ll be a couple of years before you can eat your own hot dog though. You also loved the milkshake… big surprise there right? 😀


Life is like a tiptoe through the tulips..

Today was a beautiful day and as it was our last chance for this year, we decided to have an outing to the Keukenhof. As you’re getting bigger we took you out in your ‘Big Girl Seat’, you’re really growing fast! We all enjoyed a nice afternoon out together, this time next year you’ll be able to ‘run’ through the tulips!

The fastest pooper in the west!

Another first for you today, a slightly strange one but it still counts! Today you joined the ‘mile high club’ for babies, having your diaper changed at 30,000 feet. Ok, you didn’t poop but you did pee a lot at over 800 km/h.

I think Mummy did an excellent job in such cramped conditions. You should feel lucky as you were allowed in the Business Class toilets!


A proud Romanian

Poor Bunny didn’t have his passport with him… but don’t worry… Mummy and Daddy smuggled him in. He’s currently hiding out in your toy box avoiding immigration, you see he’s British, LOL

We’ll have to get you a new passport this year as yours is only temporary, plus in my opinion you don’t look anything like your picture!


Happy Mothers Day

Today is Mothers Day, Mummy was extremely pleased with your present and kind words. We noticed one day you arrived home with paint on your hands, a complete mystery until she received a present, one that you made!

It was a teapot, with teabags, decorated with hand prints! So cute and personal! You also got Mummy a lovely bunch of flowers, so pretty!

Thank you my sweetheart, I love you very much! Here’s to many more Mothers Days together.
