So on Boxing day we handed over the reigns to Grandma & Granddad, the usual driver taking the first turn! I don’t think you were too impressed at first however you soon fell asleep after admiring your new surroundings.
(No speed limits were broken)
We were pleasantly surprised with how they took, if you ask me I’m sure they got lost… Maxi Cosi doesn’t come with GPS as standard. Anyway, in the end Mummy and Daddy got a welcome and deserved break! Not that we didn’t miss you of course… one day you’ll understand when you have children of your own. And trust me… speed limits will be broken when I’m pushing my Grandchild around! *vroooom*
Hi Emily, So it wasn’t just a milestone for you, it was also a big one for Mummy & Daddy:
We have to apologize a little in advance before you see the next pictures, as I’ve said a few times before, you’ll understand when you have your own children. The thing about having a baby is they can’t fight back when you want to dress them in the cutest of outfits, albeit when I show them to your boyfriend, you may say ’embarrassing’! As Mummy says a lot, ‘you’re such a cute baby’
This is one of my favourite pictures of you/us so far! That smile!
You’d fallen asleep by now. Mummy had the honor or opening the rest of your presents! She did not complain one bit, she likes presents….
It seems everyone wanted a picture with you in that outfit!
The British have some traditions, not as many as the Romanians but a few. One of these is Christmas dinner, a full roast with all the trimmings! Unfortunately you were old enough to experience the delights of Grandmas cooking, she makes a mean Christmas lunch! Next year I promise to give you a taste, I’m going to start you on the Brussels Sprouts !!!
Below you’ll find a gallery of our Christmas Lunch, Daddy tried on multiple occasions to scare you with a cracker… I failed… you were just too sleepy.
So that was our first Christmas as a family. We can’t wait for the next one as you’ll be 14 months, old enough to be fully aware of what’s going on. It’s going to be a lively one!
You’ve been a busy girl lately with meeting more and more family members. Today was the turn of my God Father, you’re Great Uncle Mike! And no, he didn’t make you an offer you couldn’t refuse… Well, to be honest you slept for most of the visit!
(Great Uncle Mike)
We had a lovely time chatting about our experiences so far with you, he can’t wait to see you again soon! Preferably when you’re awake.
(A gift from Uncle Mike & Les)
You’ll be able to wear this once it’s a little warmer here in NL, maybe those 4 days of summer we’ll get next year!
So today we’re going to UK for Christmas, to meet and stay with Grandma & Granddad for Christmas. It’s not as simple as you’d think and required a lot of preparation and thought, this is the first time we’d travel with you, a seven week old baby.
(Fully loaded and raring to go! Survival gear…. CHECK!)
The first part of our journey began with the bus, 341 direct to the train station. Apart from the bus not arriving for 15 minutes you enjoyed yourself, staying very quiet and quite contempt throughout the journey.
(Your first bus journey… you were asleep..)
So your next first was the train journey from Hoofddorp to Schiphol Airport. We were going to take the bus all the way but the times worked out better for the train, plus it got you another first of day! Congratulations Sweatpea
(Surprisingly you were asleep again for the whole journey, all 5 minutes of it)
The next, your first plane journey, was the one I was most worried about. I remember saying once, ‘What worse that a crying baby on a plane?’… ‘Your crying baby on a plane!’. We were both extremely, in a good way, surprised with how you were, an Angel. You slept from take off to when we picked up the hire car an hour or so after we landed!
They told us there was going to be a total of 5 babies on the plane. When you’re older you’ll know the phrase.. ‘a cats chorus’.. this was the first thing that went though my mind when I heard that, sorry!
(The big blue metal bird of KLM that’s taking us to the UK)
(On the way to the plane, no turning back!)
(Mami lulling you to sleep as we board)
(Hoping a feed before take off will help you sleep for the remainder of the flight) (Not too sure what the French man next to us was thinking… ‘why me?’)
So you slept through:
99% of the flight & the landing
Customs and passport control (You didn’t get to pull your face to match your passport picture!)
The chaos that is baggage pickup in Manchester airport
First steps out into the fresh rainy air of Manchester
Bus to the car hire place and the eventual pickup of the car
Let’s hope the journey to Romania at the end of December will go the same way. If it does then you’re well on your way to getting a ‘real’ unicorn when you’re older!
It’s unbelievable how time has flown since your arrival, we can’t believe it’s your 1 month birthday already! You’ll notice we dressed you up in Christmas clothes to celebrate the occasion, I don’t think you would’ve appreciated being in your ‘birthday suit’ for this picture.
Mummy picked your favourite cake out… well… her favourite cake which I’m sure you would’ve loved if you were able to have some! We won’t freeze a piece however they’ll be plenty of time in the future for a piece or 2 of Red Velvet cake together.
From this picture it really looks like you took a fancy to the cake!
If you had longer arms I think you would’ve had a handful of it!
I think you were so proud of these socks… they were so cute!!!