The big weigh in…

Hi Emily,

4 weeks have passed and your maintenance is due already!  Today you’re going for another checkup to see how much you’ve grown over the last few weeks.

So you’re now 4.32 KG, 700 grams more than when you were born.  This doesn’t surprise me one bit as you’re a hungry little girl!  We can set our clock by you!  Every 2 hours you tell us it’s feeding time by letting out a scream, the cutest horsey noise you’ll ever hear.

You’ve grown by a whopping 4 centimeters, even above the average for Dutch standards.  I don’t think anyone can argue that you’re Daddy’s ‘little’ girl!  You even have my belly in that picture… albeit a little less hairy!

No, we’re not fitting you for a hat.  However at least we know now what size to buy you if we’re going to!  The conclusion was that you must have a lot of grey matter in there!  Lol.  A combination of the smartest parents on earth!

You didn’t cry at all during your visit, Mummy kept you very safe!  As you can see you’ve started to grab things a lot more, you’re a ‘pincher’!  What we need to do however is to remember to cut your nails!


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