Moments after the big event…

Hi Emily,

This is you and me exactly 21 minutes after you arrived!  Picture this, a brand new dad with a baby girl left in a room together having being told ‘bond with your daughter’.  What’s the best way to bond, selfies!!!

Mummy was being looked after by the doctors in the recovery room and I was eager to reintroduce you to her.  I think these were the longest, and most precious, 30 minutes of my life.

Such a big girl at 3.6 kg and around 50 cm tall… well… lying flat 🙂

You had such a strong pair of lungs on you as you cried, stopped, cried and then stopped.  I can imagine this was a huge shock to you after being in mummy’s tummy for 9 months.


P.S. I think you were  waving to the camera in the first picture!

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